Shortcode Editor’s Facebook or Flickr tab is loading forever


While that loader screen is present, JIG is communicating with the image source's API. It should only take a few seconds, up to 10-20 seconds for profiles with lots of content. Anything longer means it's likely stuck. The most likely reason for getting stuck is not receiving the data via AJAX in the required format. A PHP Notice is a very likely candidate to break AJAX data. You should hide them in a production environment anyway:

  1. With an FTP client, navigate to the WordPress installation folder and edit the wp-config.php file.
  2. Look for the WordPress debugging mode and make sure WP_DEBUG is false:
  3. Save, then try again.

If you don't believe this helped, (this is how JIG support would begin figuring it out) try:

  1. Open the Shortcode Editor and go to the Facebook or Flickr tab.
  2. Right click on the Shortcode Editor and choose Inspect. (Chrome, Firefox)
  3. Switch to the Network tab.
  4. Click XHR (make sure it's selected).
  5. Click on a Facebook or Flickr button that causes the loading animation to stuck.
  6. Find a line that says admin-ajax.php and click on it.
  7. Observe the data in the Response tab on the right.

Some possible things to look out for:

  • The data starts with a space. One of the the PHP files of the theme or a plugin is starting or ending with a new line or a space. Before or after the first or the last tag in the code.
  • PHP Notices or Errors despite debug mode being off.
  • Only a number returned: 0 or -1
  • The request is not going through.
  • Nothing returned.

In all cases, contact JIG support with your findings.

This troubleshooting fix was posted in External content sources on June 22, 2015