Your license has been reset. What does it mean?


Most likely you've moved from development or production, or wish to use JIG on another site. Or you've recently switched on SSL (https).

This idea is in accordance with the CodeCanyon regular license terms, which allow you to use the plugin on one site per license. So you've asked support to reset your license. Here's what happens. It's a manual process to prevent abuse, but your license is no longer bound to a specific domain. What to do now?

  1. Please ensure that the JIG Settings > Purchase Code setting is empty on the old site (if it's still active).
  2. Add the purchase code to the new site.
  3. WordPress checks for updates every 12 hours and on demand. Go to Dashboard > Updates and click the Check Again button. You might need to click it again or refresh a couple of times.
  4. You can now update the plugin on the new site, as usual.

The license will be bound to the new host once an update check is performed. You can request a reset again anytime (within reason). If your other site is a development version, you can keep both updated:

  • Sites that include any of these in their URL pass through the "second site check": 
    • Are on a host with an IP containing "192.168"
    • Are on "localhost"
    • Have the word "staging" 
    • Have the word "wpengine"
    • End in "dev" or "dev/"
    • Contain "dev."
    • Have .test TLD
  • If your staging/development site doesn't match the above, feel free to recommend it to be added as a pattern.
  • These don't bypass license verification, you must still have a valid license. The pattern just tries to avoid a limit on reasonable second site usage.
  • Alternatively, place development area in a subfolder and not on a different host.
  • Or you can always just update JIG on the other site manually.
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This FAQ entry was posted in Purchasing and licensing on October 6, 2015