Changelog (update history)



Justified Image Grid is a well-polished product with frequent updates. This page illustrates how much the plugin has evolved since the initial release. It’s only going to get better, since the updates include new major features. It's crucial that no new features are forced upon you. All existing settings continue to work, so there is no need to be afraid of or postpone updates – they are backwards compatible. Existing customers get the updates for free, forever, even if the price increases over time.

New features

About updating

  • The plugin has automatic updates inside the WordPress dashboard, just like free WP plugins. Add your purchase key to Justified Image Grid settings to get more than just the notification.
  • If you have a version older than v1.9 you need to update manually. Delete the old version and install the new, your settings will remain intact. Or update all plugin files via FTP.
  • Check "Get notified by email if this item is updated" for Justified Image Grid under the Downloads page of your CodeCanyon account.
  • Follow @TheFirsh on twitter, I tweet news about the product.

v4 era

v4.6 era

v4.6.1 – 2024-06-21

Hotfix for a breaking change from v4.6
  • Some grids would appear missing after the update or show just a number instead.

v4.6 – 2024-06-21

Stability update targeting Facebook and PHP errors.
Changed / Improved
  • Made the "Grid/Shortcode Editor minimum user role" setting more useful by including the "JIG" menu with its "Grid" and "Create New Grid" in its effect.
  • Facebook default app type setting switched to Business, this only affects new installations.
  • Facebook Feed can now show cover image changes and more "album type" posts
  • Adjusted Facebook Feed feature's captions to be more meaningful
  • Dropped support for RML versions 2.8 and earlier, which are now over 7 years old
  • Dropped MobileDetect PHP Library for wp_is_mobile() function
  • When refreshing Facebook access, because of a bug the Pages received the User Token instead of a Page Token, this affected the ability to load Page Feeds.
  • Regarding the Facebook feature's Business App Type, you no longer need to have "full control" of a Page that you are an admin of, simply being invited with "Facebook access" is enough and it will show up in JIG (to show content from).
  • When you no longer have access to a Facebook page or it is gone, it'll be auto-removed from the dashboard instead of hanging the UI.
  • PHP 8.3 compatibility.
  • PHP Deprecated: usort(): Returning bool from comparison function is deprecated.
  • PHP Warning: Attempt to read property "ID" on null.
  • PHP: A scalar of type 'string' used as an array.
  • PHP: post_thumbnail_id accessed via magic method.
  • Removed references to the nonexisting $post->page_name.
  • PHP: Trying to get property of non-object of type void.
  • Addressed deprecated Elementor and Jetpack info messages (using both their new and old methods to stay compatible with versions older than 1-2 years).
  • "Show children of a page" in Recent Posts.
  • PHP Warning: Undefined array key "collection" (in relation to Flickr source).
  • Facebook API to v20.
  • Translation template (Spanish is 94% for now).
  • Documentation.

v4.5 – 2023-11-13

Facebook App Types (Business/Consumer/None), Gutenberg block error, cosmetic fixes regarding borders and their animations, no longer using z-index.
Added / New features
  • Support for Facebook App Types with a new setting. If your app continues with a legacy type of "None" then no changes for you, for now. New apps must have (and some existing apps have been switched to) a Type, meaning restricted permissions of accessing either(!) your Profile or your Pages. The new setting in JIG lets you match the Type of your app for continued operations. The default of the new setting is the "None" type, so the update doesn't break anything for existing users. The next update will switch the default to "Business" which will affect new installations (since you can no longer create an app without a type).
Changed / Improved
  • Facebook App setup instructions.
  • For less friction, when setting up a Facebook connection, you no longer need to save changes after filling in the App ID/Secret/Type but before adding the current user and administered pages.
  • No longer using z-index for caption special effect visibility (in front of or behind overlay) and for the order of overlay/caption components. This improves compatibility with stuff like menus and popups.
  • Simplified borders: when captions are below thumbs, the inner and middle border remain around the image, and only the outer border encapsulates the caption (this is nice for a Polaroid look).
  • Auto-refresh of Facebook avatars removed as it was too aggressive and caused an infinite loop exhausting API limits when one of them arrived broken. If an avatar is missing, you can refresh that page or profile manually. It has no impact on the galleries.
  • "This block has encountered an error and cannot be previewed." due to my usage of the Placeholder component on WP 6.4.
  • Facebook API v18 compatibility, including business_management scope to gain access to all your managed pages again.
  • When using the middle border, but the caption is not below thumbs, there was too much padding on the sides of the caption.
  • A conflict in the animation of outer and middle border.

v4.4 era – 2023-01/07

v4.4.1 – 2023-07-10

Minor maintenance update for fixing PHP bugs, better compatibility
Added / New features
  • A developer hook, jig_images_before_postprocessing which lets you hook into the images to be displayed, before JIG applies its postprocessing. For example, this allows including on-the-fly filtering keywords on the images (as they are gathered for the UI during this postprocessing).
Changed / Improved
  • WPML: better compatibility with translated settings by using wpml_translate_single_string instead of old icl_translate
  • Supporting portrait videos in video player, previously they didn't fit
  • Better PHP8+ compatibility, fixed warning and notices of "Undefined array key" and "Deprecated: Optional parameter"

v4.4 – 2023-01-16

Limit height to viewport setting, bugfixes related to RML and live preview, JavaScript hook for changing items of the grid.
Added / New features
  • New setting - Limit height to viewport. It prevents rows from appearing taller than the device/browser viewport (usable height of the screen), avoiding the need for scrolling to wholly explore a thumbnail. This was the default behavior since v2.8 (for over seven years), but there was no way to turn it off. Certain use cases benefit from unlocking tall rows, such as showing illustrations, mobile screenshots, lightboxless galleries, and portraits that don't need to be seen in their entirety. Sometimes filling all available width is more important than fitting an image that is only slightly taller.
  • A global function jigHookItems (items){}, when defined (for example in the Custom JS of JIG settings), allows you to influence the all items (images) list of your grids, prior to creation. It arose from a customer request to manipulate image URLs on the client side. In that particular case, we used it to change extensions to WebP when the browser supports it, to load pre-generated WebP thumbnails instead of TimThumb. The server-side equivalent could not be used due to caching plugins.
Changed / Improved
  • Font size slightly increased in the Grid/Shortcode Editor.
  • The detection for RML (Real Media Library) failed when it wasn't installed and polluted the shortcode with attributes related to that.
  • When conditional script loading was turned off (to be unconditional), Grid live preview failed to work.
  • Checking for non-existent (or deleted) RML ID works again without showing a PHP warning.
  • RML's "Overview of top level objects" functionality is restored.
  • Pre-PHP7.1 compatibility: removed "public const" from source.
  • PhotoSwipe: pswp--undefined-theme class removed when opened with anything other than the light theme.
  • Documentation

v4.3 – 2022-11-22

WebP/AVIF, RML flatten hierarchy and multi-select, Facebook improvements, numerous fixes including YouTube.
Added / New features
  • Next-gen image formats: Option to use WebP where available. AVIF (AV1 Image File Format) is also added but is subject to very peculiar server requirements (PHP 8.1+ and GD needs to be enabled --with-avif).
  • Flatten Real Media Library hierarchy, a much-requested feature! Show everything under selected point(s) in the RML tree. This virtually re-organizes your RML tree at display time, to offer more flexibility. Compatible with "straight to lightbox," works fine with randomizing and limiting (to show a random selection from just a part of your media library), and supports Photo Engine (WP/LR Sync) with RML.
    • Contents: expand everything to a single big gallery. This goes hand in hand with (and boosts the usefulness of) the Filter by option called "WP RML Galleries or Folders (of pictures in the grid)" as you could use your RML tree (Gallery or Folder names) as filters.
    • Galleries: look for and stop at galleries for an on-the-fly collection. This can make navigation easier as it drills down to offer a single level, no matter how deep you organized the tree. Also allows "collectionizing" single or just a handful of galleries (regardless of their siblings). Supports folders too, even if they have direct content AND subfolders - everything becomes an individual gallery. Give a name to this on-the-fly collection (or other multi-select content) with the "Breadcrumb home text."
  • Real Media Library multi-select. Switch from dropdown-tree to a checklist-tree so you can mix and match any combination of RML content (synergizes with, and is at the core of the new flattening options).
  • Facebook Albums now respect JIG's global "Order by" setting for (creation) date ascending/descending, title ascending/descending. The "Latest" feature uses date descending to reliably catch the last album. Since the new Pages Experience messed with the default album order (and you can't drag and drop albums on FB unlike their contents) this seemed reasonable. Updating an album doesn't change their order. Previously, during grid creation, users would not see their latest album in JIG's album picker in a readily apparent location (topmost).
Changed / Improved
  • WebP support extended to remote hosts' webp-in-jpg way of serving images (which is based on the accept header). Now WebP thumbnails will be created when the content-type response header says image/webp even if the extension appears to be jpg.
  • Facebook Videos source is restored and now it uses embedding. Facebook supplies the player via an iframe and that fits both prettyPhoto and Magnific Popup. Only embeddable videos are visible from now on. It's no longer possible to download the videos since the raw URL to the video file expires and the API doesn't seem to have it (why it was broken).
  • Facebook and Flickr source selection (Album covers) no longer use TimThumb as appropriate-sized images are supplied from their CDNs. Previously, users who disabled TimThumb because it didn't work for them, didn't see any such image in the settings.
  • YouTube Playlists can now show date information (how long ago was a video uploaded).
  • Shortcode parsing in the editor improved so it can now retain some HTML and values with either single or double quotes. For example, it was not possible to add an image tag to "Lightbox link text" in Recent posts, now it is viable.
  • Gutenberg preview height is more adaptive.
  • Rows (with help text) wrap in the editor.
  • Misleading "What content to show" texts (in light of new RML features).
  • YouTube Channels load again, and the "nice time" description works now.
  • Yoast SEO plugin's XML sitemap didn't include images where you used the JIG Gutenberg block to insert a Grid.
  • Editing an existing gallery with many images could show some grey thumbnails in the WP media dialog, resulting in those images being accidentally removed from a grid.
  • Remote WebP images weren't accepted as valid mime type.
  • When measuring external image dimensions, a PHP Warning: Undefined variable $update_result could occur.
  • On scaled, high DPI monitors the selection borders for buttons and Facebook/Flickr albums looked broken (in the editor), they received a minor redesign.
  • In come cases such as with NextGEN, double forward slashes would appear before the file name, visible in the HTML source. Previously the unencoded image URL wasn't treated for rogue double slashes.
  • Some "dimensionless" SVGs could go missing from the grid when using anything but the "Same as lightbox" thumbnail base.
  • Unclickable grid selector dropdown in Gutenberg.
  • Intermittent undefined JS in the editor
  • Facebook API to v15
  • Elementor 3.5+ widget registration

v4.2 era – 2022-02/04

v4.2.1 – 2022-02-04

Hotfix for never loading grid editing interface
  • Due to the jQuery change, the grids interface was stuck in a perpetual loading state

v4.2 – 2022-02-04

Elementor and Gutenberg blocks, auto takeover fixed, Flickr album overview, WebP support
Added / New features
  • Compatibility with Elementor and Gutenberg (WP 5.3+). New blocks to pick your grids (instead of working with shortcodes).
  • Added WebP support courtesy of a fellow customer, mbariola. It will not yet make all of your thumbnails WebP, but if your original uploaded images are in this format, the thumbnails created by JIG will be WebP as well. Previously they didn't even make it into your grids.
  • Flickr album overview: show all albums in your account without putting them in a collection.
Changed / Improved
  • Facebook instructions updated to reflect current state of the onboarding flow, as compatibility got re-checked.
  • CSS classes on the JIG container are more meaningful and now filterable via 'jig_container_classes'.
  • Noscript output updated to include effects of the 'jig_images' filter, along with caption changes to better reflect the JS version (to improve what search engines see of JIG).
  • In RML folders/collections, when an image is used to link to the virtual page (entering a folder or a gallery), only the folder title and item count are relevant. Captions from the original image are not relevant in this context, therefore these are removed from the source/noscript to not mess with search.
  • Testing the lightbox in the Shortcode Editor (opened from 1-row or other small grids) is nicer due to utilizing max available preview height.
  • Auto takeover of galleries created via Gutenberg is back, recently WP 5.9 broke it with the gallery block rewrite. The takeover functionality's backwards compatibility is ensured for WP 5.0-5.8 as well.
  • Tweet button in prettyPhoto increased width from 61 to 73 px.
  • The 'Copied' tooltip was missing from individual Grid edit screens when clicking the shortcode for copying at the top.
  • Jetpack Carousel compatibility fixed including its SEO aspects.
  • Invisible 'Add Images' button text in the Shortcode Editor when used in the classic editor (WP 4.9).
  • Potential division by zero especially for "Gone" Facebook content. For example, if you had a gone video, the API could still return it although with a 0-size image, resulting in your Video album not showing anything.
  • Facebook API to v12.0
  • MobileDetect to 2.8.37
  • jQuery to v3.6.0, jQuery Migrate to v3.3.2
  • Documentation

v4.1 era – 2020-12 - 2021-04

v4.1.1 – 2021-04-02

Thumbnail improvements, Grids interface ease of use, checking invalid Grids, PHP messages
Added / New features
  • Grids list gained a column with the copiable shortcode of each individual grid, for easier access.
Changed / Improved
  • Image size selector in "Maximum size for lightbox" and "Base thumbnail on an image size" now include the full unrestricted list of available sizes. These now include the Medium Large size. Their display labels are revamped to be more useful.
  • The "Base thumbnail on an image size" setting is now enabled for Recent Posts feature, allowing you to choose a TimThumb-less thumbnail size independent of the "Lightbox max size" setting.
  • Deleted or non-existing grid ID in the shortcode will no longer cause a fatal error.
  • Add Images / Edit Gallery button received some styling.
  • RML-related undefined variable PHP varning on line 15539.
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool.
  • NextGEN 3.9 was hiding the galleries, they fixed with with 3.9.1, please update.
  • PHP 8 deprecated messages removed.

v4.1 – 2020-12-20

Developer hooks for media library and recent posts, recent galleries for NextGEN, major fixes for RSS, YouTube, Vimeo. WP 5.6 friendly.
Added / New features
  • New NextGEN display: The Recent galleries option is best for photographers who often publish new galleries. It creates an album on the fly with the latest galleries. You should use it in "straight to lightbox" mode if it's in the sidebar or footer.
  • PDF support. JIG can now show PDFs in a gallery, only when thumbnails are available for said PDFs (they can be generated with Media Library Assistant, but should be a native WordPress thing).
  • New 'jig_images' filter for developers. It lets you edit the list of images JIG is about to show and allows other creative ways to influence and create automatic captions, etc. It uses the image list, and the shortcode attributes to enable identifying a single grid.
  • New 'jig_recent_posts_query_args' filter. It allows advanced users to influence the recent posts query. For example, you could show grids based on custom post meta key and value pairs, or remove the default "only in stock" WooCommerce behavior, etc. It uses the query arguments and shortcode attributes.
  • New 'jig_media_library_query_args' filter. It filters the four media library queries in JIG with two parameters: query arguments and shortcode attributes. The queries that can be changed are the following... 1. Normal galleries with a list of IDs. 2. Galleries based on tags, categories, or custom taxonomies, including the ones from Media Library Assistant. 3. Real Media Library galleries. 4. Images from multiple posts at the same time. A helpful use case would be switching comma-separated terms (tags, categories, etc.) to the AND operator, meaning all must be present on an image for it to be displayed. Currently, all of those have IN operator (match any of the listed terms).
  • New 'jig_ng_pure_request_uri_for_recent_galleries' filter that lets you redirect the NextGEN Recent galleries feature's links to a central page where you already show your albums or galleries, such as "/albums/" - instead of adding the /nggallery/... parts to any page the original JIG happens to be on. This makes the Recent galleries feature usable in sidebar or footer without "straight to lightbox" mode.
Changed / Improved
  • Now there is a loading animation on the preview button in the Create New Grid screen. It's helpful for initially slow-loading grids such as RSS feeds.
  • Recent posts: Ability to use the plus sign (+) to create AND operator between category or tag slugs (custom taxonomies and media library can use the new filter to add an operator to the query).
  • Facebook App tutorial now mentions the proper App Type to use: Something Else.
  • In AMP mode, automatic takeovers are disabled until a further AMP-optimized display get implemented. This way, the not-taken-over gallery is at least usable.
  • jQuery 3 compatibility for all scripts (removed deprecated code usage, due to new WP version using 3.5.1 as default, without jQuery Migrate).
  • SVG support extended to those without width and height attributes but with a working viewbox.
  • RSS Feed feature's example/tool URLs re-checked, old sites/pages removed, HTTPS enabled on all of them.
  • The shortcode editor now loads more Facebook/Flickr album covers at once, without needing to mouse over them above the first 10.
  • The auto takeover of Gutenberg galleries works again.
  • Grids screen didn't seem to save anything or load the saved values on the latest WP.
  • Going from an album view to a gallery view while using multiple JIG instances: From now on, when entering a JIG with NextGEN source (ng_album, ng_tags_album, ng_recent_galleries), the first capable JIG serves the desired content; the others only get hidden if they are configured the same way. During reasonable use, this means nothing gets hidden. Previously, other NextGEN-based JIGs (those incapable of showing anything else anyway) were also hidden for no actual reason. These are NG galleries, NG pics by ID, NG recent/random images, NG search, NG tags galleries.
  • Related to the previous: A disappearing JIG is fixed in NextGEN tag page takeover mode where some sitemap plugins or search engine bots created longer than necessary URLs, including "/nggallery/", among others.
  • RSS feature with multiple, comma-separated feeds was not working.
  • Feeds from Vimeo work again, even though they are invalid/malformed. The current known issue is that their feeds have no video title/description.
  • YouTube scraper fixed, channels and playlists work fine again.
  • External image dimensions cache (wp_jig_ext_images table in the database) could have many duplicate entries. The generation of these is now stopped. You can purge your cache on the TimThumb tab if you've been using the RSS feeds source, especially with YouTube.
  • Regarding the external image dimensions cache, a WordPress database error: Duplicate entry for key 'hash_based_id' is fixed.
  • When TimThumb is off, and you are using WordPress thumbnails, "Replace site's hostname with" now works on thumbnail URLs and more consistently on image URLs that open in lightboxes.
  • When pressing Enter after opening the prettyPhoto lightbox, its layout would crash. Now it just shows the next image (advances the display).
  • Removed references to PHP safe_mode as it was deprecated then removed from the currently required minimum PHP version (5.4).
  • Shortcode Editor on the Facebook tab froze on the loading screen while listing albums and had no icon.
  • NGG tag page takeover works again.
  • A "Plugin not found" error was shown in the popup after clicking the "View details" link on the plugins list (or accessing new version details). It happened for other paid plugins when they also use an automatic update implementation similar to JIG's, for example, the Pro version of All In One SEO plugin.
  • PHP Notice: Undefined property: JustifiedImageGrid::$settings on the create grid screen.
  • PHP Notice: Undefined offset when using NextGEN breadcrumbs in a particular way.
  • Spanish translation.

v4.0 era – 2020-08

v4.0.1 – 2020-08-20

Big news. Central grid creation area with preview. Visually pick Media Library content instead of just IDs. New Filtering options (RML gallery, Author name, A-Z, Exclude terms). 25 default limit increased to 100. PhotoSwipe sharing menu fix. Faster admin area. New menu in the dashboard. Removed Google+, Instagram, Social Gallery.
Added / New features
  • Create New Grid: Pre-create and save grids with a preview panel. You can use Enter to refresh the preview. This allows easier use in builders or anywhere else where you lack access to the Shortcode Editor. Comes with a new shortcode attribute called "gallery", similarly how other gallery or slider plugins operate. This paved the way for various builder blocks/modules to increase compatibility.
  • Long-awaited feature to pick images for your gallery the WordPress native way (visual picking, editing, sorting). It's available from a button next to the IDs input of the Shortcode Editor.
  • The new central gallery creation interface comes with revisions so you can roll back changes to your saved grids. It's built upon custom post types of WordPress.
  • Build upon your saved grids, as if they were presets.
  • Suppress all errors with a new setting. It can hide them for logged out users, which is now the default, so your visitors won't see JIG errors. Can also be turned just on/off or follow WP_DEBUG.
  • Filter images based on their parent WP Real Media Library gallery/folder. This lets your visitors narrow to a particular gallery that contributes images to a grid.
  • Filter by author name. This works with WP media library images, Recent Posts, and Flickr!
  • Exclude terms for filtering. If you wanted to drop a filter you no longer need to use "Filter terms custom order" just to do that.
  • A-Z filter option, that uses the first letter of each image title. Works with any content source.
  • "Exclude taxonomy" and "Exclude taxonomy term" settings that can be combined with any source based on the Media Library, even RML. For example, "sold paintings" can be removed from galleries this way.
  • Developers: WP filter for Recent Posts post title, "jig_recent_posts_title".
  • Flickr collection mosaics are now replaced with the primary image of an included Flickr Set. See more info about the mosaics.
Changed / Improved
  • You'll find JIG in its own menu in the WordPress Dashboard, as it's no longer tucked away under Settings.
  • Bumped default limits from 25 to 100 in case of Facebook and Flickr sources.
  • The settings panels are more performant since their JS and CSS now reside in files, and are also minified. Now using wp_localize_script() for admin scripts.
  • Shortcode Editor height increased to maximum available for easier use.
  • Auto-copy generated shortcodes in the Shortcode Editor.
  • See quick toast messages as feedback in the Shortcode Editor whenever you successfully load or create-copy a shortcode
  • Re-tested compatibility with WPBakery Page Builder with its latest version, updated the Shortcode Editor title to reflect the changed product name.
  • Added various links to the examples on the demo site for key features such as content sources.
  • New fancy link underline animations in the dashboard.
  • Filter button CSS no longer capitalizes each word by default (for new users only). When setting up "Filter terms custom order" this caused confusion.
  • Now hiding taxonomy-related settings in the Shortcode Editor's General tab when no taxonomies are available on media library images.
  • Color picker got removed as it was silly not being attached to an input.
  • PhotoSwipe arrows now consistently display on mobile devices as well. It's easier to go through a large gallery by tapping instead of just swiping.
  • Now minifying all JS and CSS scripts of the plugin. Unminified scripts are no longer in the installable plugin ZIP, but separated as part of a dev build in the package you download from CodeCanyon (in case you ever need them).
  • RSS feeds now show more verbose error messages (Sometimes Vimeo blacklisted heavy users requiring a captcha. The new error handling can report that it's a HTML page. Instead of trying to parse it as XML and reporting invalid characters.)
  • Removed the Include setting from the General tab of the Shortcode Editor, as it was confusing and almost just an alias to IDs. In turn, you have "Exclude taxonomy term" which is way more useful.
  • Removed Google+ and all of its traces (especially from the lightboxes). The platform ceased to exist.
  • Instagram source is removed, for now. If you are somehow still using it, do not update. More info about this decision.
  • Social Gallery compatibility is removed. It's no longer maintained and doesn't work well enough. Sorry if you were still using it, but things need to move toward more modern solutions. We cannot wholeheartedly recommend it anymore, hence the removal.
  • PhotoSwipe sharing dropdown menu glitch fixed. It got either stuck or wouldn't open on some mobile devices. More info.
  • When choosing what to show from Facebook, the Videos album had a broken cover image.
  • Filter terms custom order (and the new Exclude filter terms) works better with & characters in terms.
  • Special Effects by Pixastic cross origin problem for Flickr-generated collection mosaic thumbnails (the grey ones, or if they are ever restored). TimThumb is no longer auto-disabled for these.
  • Magnific Popup visual bug with the default Twenty Twenty theme (grey bar under picture).
  • PrettyPhoto Pinterest button width detection improved, count won't cover the X close button. Also fixed the error Cannot read property 'top' of undefined at measurePinBtn.
  • v4.0.1 Hotfix: Removed namespaces, fixed jig-sce-tinymce script loading error in the editor, misaligned help bubbles in the Shortcode Editor (flex layout), auto take over didn't work.
  • jQuery to 3.5.1 and Migrate to 3.3.1

v3 era

v3.9 era – 2018-05 - 2020-05

v3.9.7 – 2020-05-26

Facebook Pages fix
  • Facebook pages weren't added along your profile.

v3.9.6 – 2020-05-16

Facebook API update, RML improvements & fixes, WP/LR via RML, use WP thumbnails
Added / New features
  • Bypass TimThumb by selecting a WordPress image size. This skips the Retina Ready feature so should only be used as fallback. Only useful for WP Media Library content.
  • Ability to choose the attachment page as mobile "lightbox".
Changed / Improved
  • Real Media Library "folders in folders" can now also work as "straight to lightbox galleries" if a subfolder only contains pictures (and no more subfolders). Free version of RML can only create RML Folders so this may help bring this feature to free users. Previously it was only available for collections/galleries.
  • Individual social sharing works better to counter some Yoast SEO Open Graph meta tags.
  • Due to changes to the affiliate program, the Developer link feature no longer takes Envato usernames. A new Affiliate link setting takes the full link you can create at Impact.
  • Minimum PHP version is now 5.4!
  • Lightroom tree via WP/LR Sync through Real Media Library is usable again.
  • Invalid Scopes: manage_pages - this permission is now changed to pages_manage_metadata so you can continue accessing the Facebook source as usual. In the Facebook app choose API Version v7.
  • PHP Notice removed regarding NextGEN Custom Links.

v3.9.5 – 2019-07-12

PhotoSwipe touch, YouTube re-fix
  • PhotoSwipe fixed for touch laptops.
  • YouTube feature fixed again.
  • PhotoSwipe to v4.1.3

v3.9.4 – 2019-07-11

YouTube source restored
  • YouTube feature fixed, due to recent changes. From now on, show up to 30 videos from a Channel but up to 100 from a Playlist.
  • jQuery to 3.4.1

v3.9.3 – 2019-01-24

Facebook API changes regarding Pages
  • Re-add your FB user to prompt for a new permission (manage pages) to regain access.
  • Facebook API v3.2 compatibility

v3.9.2 – 2018-12-07

Compatibility improvements with Gutenberg and NextGEN
Changed / Improved
  • WP galleries created as Gutenberg blocks are now supported by the auto-takeover feature. Auto takeover is now the default for new installations.
  • NextGEN Gallery auto-take over feature now supports their latest shortcode (as a new option called NG3 shortcode). This includes NextGEN Galleries inserted as Gutenberg blocks.
  • In some cases, such as with Yoast SEO, JIG would be multiplied in the source code, causing an ID larger than 1 even for the first JIG on a page. It's due to plugins processing the content as part of the wp_head. This prevented NextGEN album view from working in JIG.
  • Flickr collections would not include video stills as photos in the counter.

v3.9.1 – 2018-09-17

Facebook pages fix
  • Facebook automatic page adding fixed with compatibility with API v3.1
  • NextGEN link to parent gallery feature now works without NGG Custom Fields plugin
  • jQuery to 3.3.1
  • MobileDetect to 2.8.33 (removed links that triggered Wordfence alert)

v3.9 – 2018-05-27

Facebook API v3 - use your profile and pages again, RML v4
Changed / Improved
  • Click here to learn how to continue using the Facebook source
  • Facebook API v3 is supported with the "create your own app" approach. No app review needed!
  • All your administered Facebook Pages are automatically added to JIG when you add your Facebook user.
  • Removed the ability to manually add a Facebook Page as source when you are not the admin of it.
  • Other pages can be accessed if you add their admin as a test user of your app, and ask their permission.
  • Removed broken thumbnail when there is not a single Facebook Video uploaded to your profile or page.
  • Real Media Library v4 compatibility
  • External images caching table follows WP charset collation.
  • Changed external links in the plugin admin to HTTPS where applicable.
  • Documentation (regarding Facebook), Spanish translation

v3.8 era – 2018-03/04

v3.8.1 – 2018-04-09

Facebook API update
Changed / Improved
  • Facebook API calls are using v2.12 now, upgrade your FB apps too!
  • JS error when using a caching plugin that re-minifies the script (related to thisIsTouch)
  • Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

v3.8 – 2018-03-05

Better compatibility with latest PHP, YouTube and self-hosted video player fixed, PhotoSwipe 3 removed
Added / New features
  • You can use *content* in custom lightbox / link attribute value to include content ID in data attributes.
Changed / Improved
  • PHP 7.1 compatibility regarding deprecated mcrypt_encrypt() - removed ability to load encrypted backups. Communication with auto update server is over HTTPS anyway.
  • WooCommerce products are only shown when in stock
  • Wrap text setting is automatically disabled if the gallery has more than 2 thumbnails.
  • No longer using TimThumb in the dashboard for Facebook / Flickr icons. There is no benefit, and it caused infinite spinning loading when TimThumb wasn't working.
  • Old PhotoSwipe 3 lightbox removed (there was a false alarm from Wordfence). Use new PhotoSwipe instead.
  • Nextcellent's assets are also removed when using "Remove usually unnecessary NextGEN files from the page"
  • YouTube scraper (RSS) didn't work due to a change on YouTube.
  • Yoast SEO plugin's XML Sitemap included double amount images in some cases
  • Showing Facebook videos sometimes resulted in a warning about division by zero.
  • Video player would show a frozen thumbnail with W3TC plugin in use as it minified and asynced some scripts that it shouldn't have.
  • Facebook videos in the video player of lightboxes had trouble loading in some cases
  • When JIG is taking over RML shortcodes, sometimes an error would show up about "too few arguments".
  • Russian characters in RML paths didn't work correctly.
  • Double line breaks in truncated captions below the thumbnail do not cause issue anymore
  • Ability to use the Download Link for images that end in a timestamp after the extension.
  • Notice: Undefined index: pagenow
  • NextGEN search: Notice: wpdb::prepare was called incorrectly. The query does not contain the correct number of placeholders (1) for the number of arguments passed (2).
  • jQuery.dotdotdot to 3.0.3

v3.7 – 2017-09-02

Important fixes for YouTube, 500px, FooBox
Changed / Improved
  • Custom video play page is now compatible with W3TC automatic script minification
  • 2-level filtering enabled for Flickr (still just 1 taxonomy though)
  • YouTube functionality fixed due their layout change
  • 500px RSS didn't work due to a change in their URL structure.
  • Compatibility with Shaon's Download Manager plugin (there used to a be a fatar error in certain setups).
  • New FooBox not working in some cases with console error: Cannot read property 'init' of undefined
  • MobileDetect to 2.8.26
  • jQuery to v3.2.1 (optional)
  • jQuery dotdotdot 2.0.1 (works with jQuery v3+ too)

v3.6 – 2017-06-11

PhotoSwipe IOS 10.3 update, other smaller fixes.
Added / New features
  • You can write "current" to the Recent posts feature's Post IDs setting to pull the current post. Useful for displaying the featured image with JIG, without any coding.
  • You can use the word "featured" in the IDs / "Include these images" settings. Useful to show the featured image differently, but still with JIG (for example: larger).
  • RSS feature will show thumbnails from mediaRSS feeds better now.
  • RML Breadcrumb was not working when your URL had capital letters in the RML path.
  • IOS 10.3+ problem with PhotoSwipe orientation change. According to the developer it's not yet perfect, though, it's still better than before.
  • Bug related to caption special effects, when you had no caption for a certain image, no more images would display in the grid.
  • Wrong text domain used on a few translatable strings.
  • PrettyPhoto overlay filmstrip gallery would not show anything besides the cover picture for straight to lightbox galleries.
  • Empty Instagram expired notice removed.
  • Context help for "What text to show" section in the Shortcode Editor's Lightboxes tab was in the wrong section.
  • Checked for WP 4.9 compatibility.
  • Documentation
  • MobileDetect to 2.8.25

v3.5 – 2017-02-14

Twitter summary card, PhotoSwipe zoom setting, Social sharing improved, RML v2.8.3 compatibility, Jetpack Photon and Facebook fixes.
Added / New features
  • New PhotoSwipe setting: Zoom effect. Ability to disable opening zoom animation from the thumbnails and/or the zooming feature on the opened, large image itself.
  • Sharing to Twitter now results in "The Summary Card with Large Image" that features a large, full-width prominent image alongside a tweet. It's supported when sharing from prettyPhoto or PhotoSwipe (with JIG Smart Deeplinking). Shared URL is not changed, it's only a server side enhancement.
Changed / Improved
  • Real Media Library v2.8.3 compatibility (backward compatibility maintained).
  • Pinterest Pin button changed to Pinterest Save button (red) to be more consistent with their idea.
  • Lazy loading the social sharing buttons of prettyPhoto. This allows more stable loading of these sharers, and most importantly: smoother animation between photos and during opening them, they also seem to load faster as the social sharers don't interfere with the photo. Side effect is that you can see the social sharers appear after the photo.
  • The Twitter button in prettyPhoto is significantly upgraded to appear faster and be more stable.
  • Jetpack Photon is disabled for Facebook content since they don't support creating thumbnails for Facebook content anymore. This prevents an error, and lets you show the gallery using normal thumbnail creation.
  • PhotoSwipe would get stuck on the same picture if it was opened coming from a Facebook share.
  • Some private Facebook photos had problem loading their thumbnails, if their URL included urlencoded bits like ?_nc_eui2=v1%3A where they got double urldecoded, resulting in missing thumbnail.
  • Action on JIG install and uninstall were not running since a recent update, restored them.
  • Having an SVG before a normal image in the grid, turned off Photon for the rest of the images. It only turns off Photon for the SVG now (and animated GIFs).
  • No longer urldecoding every link on the thumbnail, only where it's necessary and the complete URL is urlencoded. This fixes showing private Facebook content in the lightbox that has ?_nc_eui2=v1%3A in the URL.
  • Rare loading problem of Magnific Popup is fixed (JS error regarding "require").
  • Spanish translation
  • Documentation

v3.4 era – 2017-01

v3.4.2 – 2017-01-23

Hotfix for RML description and cover image, NextGEN search.
  • Real Media Library's cover image and description features were inaccessible.
  • NextGEN search single quotes weren't working in the search query.

v3.4.1 – 2017-01-11

Hotfix for PHP errors, PHP 5.3 or newer is now required.
  • Fatal error: Can’t use function return value in write context
  • Check if PHP 5.3 or newer is in use, as it is now a requirement.

v3.4 – 2017-01-10

RML v2.8 compatibility, some Instagram-related changes, better sitemap.
Added / New features
  • Ability to enter a 3rd party Instagram access token to restore Instagram functionality. Still a workaround, but if you can get your hands on such access token, you are good to go!
Changed / Improved
  • WP Real Media Library v2.8 compatibility.
  • You can skip overriding an MLA gallery with mla_alt_shortcode=mla_gallery instead of the value "no".
  • New user agent for CURL.
  • Instagram content by Location feature wan't working as it was expecting the retired Foursquare ID. Not it's using the Facebook places ID.
  • Instagram "feed" option is removed, since the API no longer supports that endpoint. It was the content you see posted by people you follow. This is no longer possible, even with an access token with public_content.
  • Some galleries weren't included in the Yoast sitemap. It affected those with an empty (no ids) shortcode or certain NextGEN-based JIG galleries. Also, auto-taken-over WP galleries were completely missing from the Yoast sitemap.
  • Fixed handling of images with spaces in their filename in RSS feeds.
  • In the Link rel setting, the *instance* wasn't replaced on the fly (for lightbox deeplinking) unless it was in square brackets.
  • NextGEN: empty albums were causing Notice: Undefined variable: cover_image
  • Warning: curl_setopt_array(): CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when an open_basedir is set.
  • Spanish translation - Thank you Ana from Caribdis Web.
  • Documentation
  • MobileDetect to 2.8.24

v3.3 – 2016-11-02

Real Media Library and NextGEN compatibility refreshed, 0-byte download problem fixed, many improvements and fixes.
Added / New features
  • It's now possible to set a custom link for Recent posts on the post itself. This is done via a custom field, the name of which you supply in the shortcode editor. Otherwise it can use the featured image's JIG Link field.
  • Filtering for WP Real Media Library can be extended to folder and collection views.
Changed / Improved
  • Translation of certain NextGEN content via WPML is changed. JIG uses the new variable name format, same as new NextGEN. This only affects previously-translated gallery titles and description, album descriptions. If you wish to use your old translations, add this to your functions.php: define('JIG_NG_I18N_OLD_WAY', true);
    • gal_11_description -> gallery_11_description
    • gal_29_title - > gallery_29_name
    • album_6_albumdesc -> album_6_description
  • Recently-changed NextGEN ngg_images shortcode attributes are now supported for automatic take-over (not sure why they would change the way it works). Single picture shortcode attribute is unknown at the moment.
  • No longer matching the NextGEN shortcode attribute "Images per page" to the limit setting of JIG as it's not the same thing.
  • Made image download script more robust to fallback from CURL in case of SSL problems, even without touching CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER option.
  • Lightbox backlinks (such as Recent posts, Flickr, etc) are now marked with a class "jig-lightboxLink" for easier customization via CSS. Holds true for download links too, with the class "jig-downloadLink".
  • Recent posts' date options in the description take locale into account from now on (no more English month names).
  • NextGEN custom field for Links setting added to Shortcode Editor too, this allows you to show different links on the same images in different galleries, when using multiple NG custom fields.
  • Custom link's target is now applied to recent posts, making it possible to open them on a new tab, etc.
  • Automatic WP gallery take-over feature is initialized a bit later, making it possible to override some themes' alternative galleries.
  • Better support for Hebrew and other special characters with NextGEN albums and galleries.
  • Custom link override setting is now affected by custom link's target setting.
  • YouTube (RSS source) thumbnails are no longer passed through Jetpack Photon as it rejects resizing them. This resulted in some distortions when aspect ratio and/or randomize thumbnail width settings were used.
  • 0-byte image download problem fixed.
  • CURL-less image download problem fixed.
  • WP Real Media Library v2.6.5 compatibility fixing the "Invalid WP Real Media Library ID encountered" problem.
  • Shortcode Editor for Visual Composer would open at the top and not in the middle of visible viewport if the gallery block was placed lower on the page (problem only affected backend editing).
  • Shortcode Editor showed a 0 (zero) when opened from Visual Composer while you had the "Disable the visual editor when writing" option checked in your profile.
  • Settings screen values are now escaped. Problem was most prominent when putting HTML formatted values to settings like "Text to show before the grid".
  • Breadcrumb separator minus is now working properly, previously the Shortcode Editor generated it called "miuns".
  • Very old NextGEN images that have missing metadata caused a PHP warning, despite being shown in the grid.
  • Individual social sharing for very old NextGEN images had a problem that is related to the previous fix.
  • Beaver builder incompatibility (forever loading text editor settings screen).
  • Some (or completely) missing images in RSS feeds due to not following redirects on remote images when determining their dimensions via CURL. Redirects are not followed when safe mode is used (that would trigger an error).
  • Magnific Popup arrow button markup fixed.
  • Shortcode Editor for Visual Composer would revert to regular version when closed while loading then reopened. Also, it'll always show the proper version depending on where you opened it from (normal editor from a text block or properly from VC).
  • Brooklyn theme incompatibility about PhotoSwipe being skipped is now resolved - ReferenceError: module is not defined
  • Unsetting values after all foreach loops when they are passed by reference.
  • Fixed notice about unserialize() on line 3968
  • Spanish translation - Thank you Ana from Caribdis Web.
  • jQuery v3.1.1
  • jQuery dotdotdot 1.8.2 (maintained jQuery v3 compatibility customization)
  • Documentation

v3.2 – 2016-07-11

Visual Composer element with live preview, light skin for PhotoSwipe, jQuery v3, RML dropdown fix, many more improvements and fixes.
Added / New features
  • Visual Composer add-on built in, with exclusive frontend live preview from the Shortcode Editor.
  • Light theme for PhotoSwipe, selectable with a new setting on a per-gallery basis. This is a JIG exclusive PhotoSwipe customization.
Changed / Improved
  • jQuery v3 compatibility, including some changes in bundled scripts such as prettyPhoto, ColorBox, dotdotdot. Please mind you that many other themes and plugins are not yet compatible!
  • When thumbnail fly animation is disabled in PhotoSwipe4 automatically due to the opener thumbnail having different aspect ratio than the target picture, it opens much faster.
  • PhotoSwipe caption color gets much brighter/whiter (more readable especially on light images), only when zoomed-in.
  • In addition to the Settings link, the JIG row in the plugins list now contains a link to the Support page of the product's site.
  • User Agent in CURL updated to report as latest Firefox. This helps RSS feeds to work better.
  • The download.php script can now fall back to CURL more often, in case it would want to download a 0-byte file.
  • Magnific Popup is now compatible with short links for videos.
  • ColorBox now takes into account the position of the document when shifted for a mega menu like ubermenu.
  • Using CSS3 animation for initial fade in (more to come eventually).
  • More scripts have the nonminified version in the plugin, also an easy way to toggle between loading them (from the code). Script filenames standardized.
  • With RML v2.5 the dropdown selector in the Shortcode Editor had no selectable objects.
  • JIG didn't respect the Order by setting for RML galleries (it was focusing on the Custom order).
  • Randomize width feature wasn't compatible with PhotoSwipe in a sense that the opening animation was jumpy since the image aspect ratio changed during animation.
  • PHP 7 Notice: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP.
  • Shortcode Editor: turning off Facebook or Instagram, this shown up in the console: ReferenceError: s_prefix is not defined
  • Magnific Popup lost the customization to not show related videos from YouTube videos. Re-added.
  • Compatibility glitch where bottom margin was applied on images by your theme.
  • No-show and/or stoppy animation on jQuery v3 due to jQuery easing older than v1.4 with oldschool easing functions is now solved. This was most prominent as a theme incompatibility, including Avada.
  • The hoverFlow JS plugin bundled in JIG was able conflict with a version from a 3rd party. Using a customized name from now on (regarding easing an jQuery v3).
  • The grid could fall apart on jQuery v3 due to too precise detection of available space for JIG.
  • Loading jQuery v1.12.4, v2.2.4, v3.0.0 from Google (optional).
  • Bundling jQuery v2.2.4 and v3.0.0 + migrate in the plugin. Migrate is there so you can safely test it and see if your other plugins and theme is compatible yet.
  • Spanish translation
  • jQuery dotdotdot 1.8.2
  • Documentation

v3.1 era – 2016-05

v3.1.1 – 2016-05-13

Hotfix for Spanish sites.
  • Small problem in the Spanish translation prevented the grid from being displayed.

v3.1 – 2016-05-12

RML image order, cover photo, description, foreign characters compatibility. YouTube and DeviantArt RSS fix. Many more improvements and fixes.
Added / New features
  • Real Media Library v2.4 (compatibility with its updates). JIG now fully supports:
    • RML's new drag and drop custom image order system.
    • Custom cover photo for any RML object. The cover does not need to be inside the actual gallery/lightbox.
    • Description for any RML object. It's possible to show them above the grid and/or on the thumbnails.
  • Gallery-wide custom links for NextGEN. This allows you to link to the parent gallery of a thumbnail. For example, showing a handful random pictures from the entire NextGEN library, you could have them linked to their gallery page. On the gallery page itself, these links will not be used.
Changed / Improved
  • The "all of the images have failed to load" error is now more compact and links to the detailed troubleshooting fix instead of vaguely trying to describe the problem on the spot.
  • Much neater and less aggressive Pinterest script detection (for loading Pin buttons).
  • The tiny, 1-3px cropping due to technical and rounding reasons that might occur from the bottom of the thumbnail is now cropped from the top instead. This likely affected photographers negatively who had their watermark at the bottom of the photos and thus they got cropped.
  • YouTube thumbnails (from "RSS") were low-res and with black bars, changed them back to be high-res again.
  • YouTube related video setting in the URL of videos would appear twice, sometimes not stopping related videos.
  • The ?iframe=true is not longer added unnecessarily to video URLs from YouTube and Vimeo from RSS feeds, when opened in prettyPhoto.
  • Fixed some quote escaping in the front-end JS script which resulted in the gallery not loading if the theme strips slashes from the outputted script.
  • Google's cached view had red no hotlinking text instead of thumbnails, due to a change in the URL they use.
  • Foreign character support for Real Media Library slug in the URL is fixed, for example Cyrillic letters in collection names. Previously it was not possible to traverse into these RML objects.
  • PrettyPhoto would repeat the description from the previous photo if it had text to show, but the current one didn't.
  • PhotoSwipe would not show the text under the photo if the title (top part) was disabled with (img_alt_field=off), but you intended to show the bottom part (that comes from link_title).
  • The image download script can now handle spaces in URLs.
  • Character encoding problems in the source HTML gallery (for example, non-breaking spaces would show a question mark).
  • Occasional double slashes in URLs of images on the Download link are now replaced with sinlge slash (NextGEN had this problem).
  • The Download link didn't work properly when Jetpack Photon was active because it adds a fit parameter to the end of the URL.
  • In JIG settings, the automatic icon refresher for Facebook always mentioned the count in plural, now it's proper.
  • Removed PHP notice from the login screen that said wp_deregister_script was called incorrectly.
  • No more deprecated chrome notices from the developer console. Those were related to going through all window properties for ensuring the prettyPhoto Pinterest button works as intended.
  • DeviantArt could not be reached via RSS, due to a change on their side that causes timeout in WP. Changed user agent of Simplepie and increased the timeout value.
  • Spanish translation
  • MobileDetect to v2.8.22
  • Colorbox to v1.6.4
  • jQuery dotdotdot 1.8.1
  • Magnific Popup to v1.1.0
  • Documentation

v3.0 era – 2016-03/04

v3.0.2 – 2016-04-02

Fixes regarding the Shortcode Editor, old NextGEN, RML, IE browser.
  • NextGEN Gallery's recent mess where, upon creating a new gallery the title would not be sanitized as slug. This would result in galleries unable to be entered with JIG (or with NG for that matter). JIG can now handle spaces in NG gallery "slugs". NG removes the spaces from the gallery title and tries to open it that way, but fails. It's not possible to recover where spaces were. JIG replaces spaces with a dash, and then converts them back to spaces if necessary, to be able to open a gallery.
  • NextGEN detection now includes old NG versions again, including NextCellent Gallery - NextGEN Legacy.
  • Shortcode Editor didn't work in IE browser due to it not supporting the repeat JS function.
  • Shortcode Editor would sometimes show just a zero, 0 when WPML was used with a certain setup.
  • The RML selection dropdown in the Shortcode Editor was set up with unicode icons, which didn't show properly on devices, so now it's reverted to indicate folders, collections and galleries with [F], [C] and [G], respectively.

v3.0.1 – 2016-03-18

Shortcode Editor hotfix.
  • Shortcode Editor generated malformed shortcodes when WP Real Media Library was not installed.

v3 – 2016-03-11

WP Real Media Library compatibility, Media Library Assistant auto take-over, SVG support, initially load, many improvements and fixes.
Added / New features
  • New WordPress-based source: Real Media Library
  • New source: Media Library Assistant shortcodes can now automatically be displayed with JIG with a simple setting. This opens exotic possibilities such as creating a gallery based on search keywords, or ordering thumbnails based on custom field values, and other more advanced queries besides what JIG supports natively.
  • SVG format support for WP Media Library and Recent Posts sources. No settings, it's automatic. It's best for logos!
  • An optional "Initially load" amount of pictures to have on the page before Load More.
  • Facebook video gallery support. To load user videos you need to re-auth yourself because of a new user_videos permission.
  • Ability to add a custom class to individual instances for easier Custom CSS targeting.
  • Albums from Vimeo RSS are now recognized. From now on, they can be converted to RSS url in the Shortcode Editor. Up to 25 videos per feed.
  • Added 500px "custom searches" RSS feed compatibility - this replaces "user favorites", which is no longer offered by 500px
Changed / Improved
  • YouTube videos played by PrettyPhoto and Magnific Popup don't show related videos anymore. It's the &rel=0 bit in the video URL.
  • Facebook tags in Albums descriptions are now clickable external links.
  • The ?iframe=true is automatically removed from the URL when the custom link is not supposed to open in prettyPhoto.
  • The video players for YouTube and Vimeo in prettyPhoto are now protocol-flexible (they work with https).
  • The plugin will let you know on the NextGEN and WP RML tabs when you don't have these plugins installed.
  • Adding Facebook pages by URL is now way more flexible and can work with carelessly pasted URLs.
  • Loading Flickr Collections for selection in the Shortcode Editor is now much faster, and is handled by just 2 Flickr API requests. It's especially noticeable when you have a lot of albums in your collections.
  • Changed class name of the 3rd-party mobile detect library to avoid conflicts with similarly-named classes that are different. It caused some PHP errors for certain users.
  • jQuery v2.2.0 compatibility, now it's available to have it loaded as "jQuery source".
  • Facebook API v2.5 compatibility.
  • When using lightbox groups with prettyPhoto (straight to lightbox albums), the Smart Deeplinking URL would only be correct for the first group. This would also mean that following a deeplink #! hash it would not re-open properly in these cases.
  • When deselecting a filter button on a touch device, the button would still appear highlighted. This only happened when allowing multiple filters to be selected and also for the Load More button.
  • With jQuery 2+ used, JIG would recognize all browsers as old IE and not show certain thumbnail effects.
  • Filtering bug when using top x terms: in certain cases, on Firefox the console would say filteredImages...push is not a function.
  • An animation problem with the mixed and reverse-mixed caption styles is removed, increasing the space between two captions by 3px.
  • JIG would freeze if no text would be shown for Load More count text with WPML enabled.
  • An edge case only in Chrome, the caption would go beyond the thumbnail boundaries. Furthermore, the background would be off by 1 pixel sometimes. These only applied if special effects were used only behind the captions and caption width was set to match text width.
  • In a rare case, tags in Facebook album remained unprocessed (latest one mode).
  • Incomplete last row: match + center and flexible + match + center wouldn't center an incomplete but single/only row.
  • When title appears inside frame in prettyPhoto and "link rel" doesn't group images, navigation was still visible.
  • Edge case where Pinterest Pin button would appear twice (mostly just briefly) in prettyPhoto.
  • Pinterest Pin button width measuring updated (when the count showed up it could cover G+ button).
  • NextGEN's "resource manager" is only disabled on the frontend from now on. Previously it affected native modal window of NextGEN (opened from the visual editor): the "Add Gallery / Images" tab in particular.
  • Multiple link rel attributes would be included in the Smart Deeplinking hash of prettyPhoto and PhotoSwipe. It'll only use the first rel attribute from now on. It was conflicting with the "jQuery mobile - link rel external" setting.
  • After editing a file of the plugin via the Editor in WordPress, the editable file types remain filtered. Previously it offered files from the thumbnail cache too as editable, after an change was made.
  • Now detecting Windows 10's Edge browser as "any IE" for the purpose of IE-exclusive rendering problems (all versions). One of these is the "1px visual glitch" mentioned in JIG v2.8.1 and JIG v2.8 updates.
  • PhotoSwipe to v4.1.1 (re-customized).
  • Mobile Detect to v2.8.19 (changed class name)
  • jQuery dotdotdot to 1.8.0
  • Spanish translation.
  • Documentation, Localization.

v2 era

v2.9 – 2015-10-31

Spanish translation, disable cropping on mobiles, general improvements for PrettyPhoto, Pinterest and NextGEN.
Added / New features
  • Spanish translation (admin texts) - by Ana Ayelén Martínez.
  • Only on mobile devices option added to disable cropping setting.
Changed / Improved
  • RSS Feed URL tool generates new URLs for Pinterest boards. Old board URLs get converted to the new format behind the scenes.
  • NextGEN "Narrow by tags" feature is extended to all NextGEN views including tag albums, search, random and recent.
  • Once again improved Twitter button load detection in prettyPhoto.
  • Even 2-line captions in Magnific Popup sometimes triggered a vertical scrollbar with big pictures, constricted them a little bit.
  • Countering themes' transition CSS rule on prettyPhoto arrows, contract/expand button and Pin button.
  • Better compatibility with YITH plugins. Settings tabs went missing due to a CSS conflict.
  • New bug about row height logic which made the disable cropping setting enabled where it shouldn't have been.
  • Recent posts' Exclude posts by ID wouldn't work with exclude sticky posts setting.
  • NextGEN setting called "Narrow by tags" didn't work for straight to lightbox galleries (NG album views).
  • In PhotoSwipe when the thumbnail aspect ratio is not the same as the lightbox image aspect ratio, there was a "jump". Now the placeholder that appears during loading is hidden. This was added at an earlier version but got lost during re-customizations.
  • Emojis from Instagram and other images in thumbnail captions now show up properly.
  • The prettyPhoto overlay gallery would break if the titles contained some HTML such as download link.
  • PrettyPhoto social buttons vs closing button align fixed when they would cover each other in case there was no title or description.
  • HTML in the title would cause problems for the Twitter button in prettyPhoto.
  • A security notice would appear in the JIG video player if opened on a new tab because the lightbox doesn't support videos. Now it'll only show in the following cases. If it's in a lightbox (iframe) but called from another site. If it's not in a lightbox (iframe) and the referrer is not the main site (or has no referrer) and the content is not hosted locally.
  • Plugin would generate unexpected output error in PHP strict mode error reporting upon activation.
  • PhotoSwipe would open small Instagram images from small thumbnails, fixed to open a standard resolution photo.
  • Mobile Detect to v2.8.17
  • Documentation, Localization.

v2.8 era – 2015-08

v2.8.2 – 2015-08-23

Important security update, solution to Facebook problems, no double images in RSS feeds, small prettyPhoto fixes.
Changed / Improved
  • Facebook OAuth exceptions are now displayed when unsuccessfully adding users.
  • These tags @[123456789:1234:Name of a Facebook entity] are now filtered in feed display too.
  • Better micro-alignment for prettyPhoto captions where only the description is used wihout a title.
  • Important performance problem fixed in Facebook caching.
  • Replaced read_stream scope with user_posts when adding a Facebook user. It is the access required for the "feed" (timeline posts by you and others) feature.
  • The "Show JIG in feeds" showed duplicate images. Clear the RSS cache to see the change right away (RSS tab > RSS caching time).
  • PrettyPhoto's Twitter button still went missing on rare occasions, now it's even more robust, will often appear faster than before.
  • LFD vulnerability - download.php secured.
  • XSS vulnerability - fb-auth-other-user.php secured.

v2.8.1 – 2015-08-10

Fix for TimThumb on older PHP versions, prettyPhoto facelift, improved IE compatibility.
Changed / Improved
  • IE specific conditional styles removed, using other method from now on.
  • Even better and more space efficient prettyPhoto UI align.
  • All prettyPhoto themes got a facelift regarding UI align and spacing.
  • Social tools were overlapping the close button in other than the default prettyPhoto theme.
  • TimThumb problem regarding previous tilde fix.
  • Better fix for the 1px IE rendering problem than the one in v2.8
  • Magnific Popup didn't work on IE7 due to extra last commas in its JS settings.

v2.8 – 2015-08-02

Thumbnails can no longer exceed screen height, title is no longer outside the frame in prettyPhoto, fix for Firefox 40+, and other improvements and fixes.
Added / New features
  • New prettyPhoto title position. New default layout (with possibility to revert to legacy). Photo title is no longer outside the lightbox frame, but sticks to the description. Better overall align for the social sharers (to the right) and the closing X. Image has more space, as the caption area became more compact. Text is now intelligently placed maximising useful area without weird wrapping.
  • Thumbnails will no longer exceed screen height, despite row height set otherwise. This increases the responsive experience of otherwise large thumbnails mainly on phones in landscape orientation.
  • Optional ability to have thumbnail filename without an extension.
Changed / Improved
  • The prettyPhoto prev/next arrows are now hidden when only one image is shown.
  • Thumbnail strip gallery of PrettyPhoto lightbox now uses JIG thumbnails instead of full size images scaled down. This is not available when JIG thumbnails are not in the page (load more, hidden limit, max rows, straight to lightbox galleries, incomplete last row modes that hide content, etc.)
  • Right click prevention now includes middle mouse button protection (opened image on new tab).
  • Lightbox set to "links-off" now has disabled middle mouse button as well.
  • Better handling of thumbnail URLs that contain a tilde symbol.
  • Latest jQuery option included in jQuery source options, from Google.
  • Instagram errors such as OAuthException are now visible when unsuccessfully adding a user, probably due to invalid Client ID.
  • The grid would fall apart when the window got resized on Firefox 40+ (due to a possible new bug in Firefox itself, though unexplainable).
  • The social buttons in prettyPhoto would appear mis-aligned or have their bottom cut off at certain font-sizes.
  • WPML 3.2 compatibility, when using custom post types and JIG recent posts source, JIG showed content from other languages too, due to a problem in WPML.
  • RSS feeds feature will find images with a space in their URL, when they are added as img tags the item description.
  • The PNG extension was missing from the end of generated thumbnail URLs, making them not cacheable by CloudFlare.
  • WEBP extension wasn't recognized for custom links when opening them in FooBox.
  • 1px visual glitch due to IE bug between two parts of the caption when using the "dossier" style caption title with round corners that matches text width.
  • Recent posts category include/exclude settings values weren't wrapped in quotes when more than one were specified, including a space between them.
  • Removed some PHP Notices regarding WPML and JIG Recent Posts.
  • Rare problem where fetching manual Facebook cover photos would not be successful and cause a PHP error.
  • JIG video player can only be opened in a lightbox and on the same host from now on. This prevents misuse.
  • Colorbox to 1.6.3
  • jQuery dotdotdot to 1.7.4
  • Mobile Detect to 2.8.15
  • PhotoSwipe to v4.1.0 (re-customized).
  • Documentation, Localization.

v2.7 – 2015-06-11

Fixed Tweet button, process shortcodes in captions, prettyPhoto align and expand button fix, many other improvements and fixes.
Added / New features
  • Process shortcodes in all captions from any image source (new optional setting).
  • Replace CDN host in custom links (optional setting), which is now off by default. Custom links to images are an exception.
Changed / Improved
  • Purchase Code field no longer appears as a password.
  • Autoupdate methods changed to allow 1 click updates. The effect of this will only be noticeable when the next update arrives.
  • PhotoSwipe 4 caption align is now centered by default, it just looks better that way.
  • PrettyPhoto caption size increased, align revised, and close button position improved. No longer showing an empty row when social tools are disabled.
  • PrettyPhoto expand button (while fixed) is now disabled by default (only for new customers). This is achieved via prettyPhoto JS setting allow_expand. The allow_resize setting is removed from the default prettyPhoto JS settings to avoid confusion.
  • The prettyPhoto, Magnific Popup, ColorBox z-indexes increased over 100000 to be above menus such as UberMenu (sticky).
  • "Pinterest trick" script is no longer output to the page in inline JS, but rather became bundled to prettyPhoto. Also, when no social tools or pin button is shown, it does not add Pinterest files to the page anymore.
  • Automatic resizing function also moved from the inline script.
  • Tweet button in prettyPhoto is now made sure to show (when needed), its rendering is enforced. It was often missing, possibly due to a change on twitter's side.
  • PrettyPhoto expand/contract button is now working again.
  • Numbered shortcode attributes (such as recents_description_2 and 3) didn't get used for the get_jig(); template tag in the Shortcode Editor.
  • Taking over the ngg_tag page works again (with support for legacy NG).
  • Taking over NextGEN's post inserts is now working again.
  • Removed Notice undefined variable: auto_limit (Facebook feature).
  • The red part of the "All of the images have failed to load." error was accidentally hidden in the last update, now it's visible again.
  • From now on, only forward slashes appear in the chmod permissions tool.
  • The measurePinBtn function for prettyPhoto had problems with get();
  • Removed Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$description (Regarding Facebook album description).
  • PhotoSwipe to v4.0.8 (re-customized).
  • Mobile Detect to 2.8.13
  • jQuery dotdotdot to 1.7.3
  • Colorbox to 1.6.1
  • Documentation, Localization.

v2.6 – 2015-05-10

Many PhotoSwipe 4 related additions, better YouTube and Vimeo, Facebook cover picture icons get refreshed, general fixes.
Added / New features
  • Missing Facebook cover picture icons are now automatically refreshed and saved.
  • PhotoSwipe 4 captions can now be aligned in various ways with a setting.
  • PhotoSwipe 4 social sharing tools can be turned on/off and inherited from prettyPhoto by default.
  • PhotoSwipe 4 social buttons can be individually toggled using the 'FTPG' method, similarly to prettyPhoto.
  • Flickr feature can now look for original size photos as well (new option).
  • Custom link override, to have a fixed JIG Link on all images in a specific grid.
Changed / Improved
  • Multiple YouTube channels can be merged to comply with the ability to do the same with normal RSS Feeds sources. Videos will be sorted by date, up to the precision of the nice date format.
  • YouTube /channel URLs (with ID rather than nice name) will work the same way as /user.
  • PhotoSwipe 4 caption box is better centered, using the new default "slim fit" option.
  • PhotoSwipe 4 element creation is more robust, no more "empty click" on thumbnails that should open PhotoSwipe.
  • PhotoSwipe 4 and Magnific Popup creates span instead of button HTML elements, as buttons were causing conflicts with some themes.
  • Much larger thumbnails can be created for Vimeo RSS content.
  • Ordered NextGEN galleries and albums by ID in the ng gallery selection of the Shortcode Editor
  • A search button shows up among Flickr source types for users, clicking it will populate the user ID field and switch to the Flickr Search tab.
  • Flickr Photosets are now called Albums.
  • Vimeo RSS feeds weren't working as they changed how they inlcude video thumbnails.
  • Special characters are now better stripped from Instagram user names, they were causing some problems.
  • Instagram source's admin settings wouldn't save the new profile icon when refreshed.
  • Shortcode editor would not show more than 1,000 NextGEN galleries or alnums in the drop-down select.
  • Custom CSS is no longer needed to fix when lazy load plugins conflict - images were shown below the grid a second time.
  • NextGEN Tag albums (when shown directly in the lightbox) had missing description and tags info for the first picture. Due to a query problem. Memory consumption is reduced for Tag albums and Tag galleries.
  • NextGEN Tag albums (when shown directly in the lightbox) now have the correct counter that accounts for excluded photos.
  • NextGEN "Link to page" setting didn't work for albums due to a bug, only for galleries.
  • Using maybe_unserialize() on all source API requests, this helps eliminate some PHP notices.
  • Removed (invisible) Notices regarding custom taxonomies from the Shortcode Editor.
  • Removed Notice: Undefined variable: url_hash_list in main plugin file.
  • Removed Notice: Undefined index: code in Facebook auth other user file.
  • Removed Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in justified-image-grid.php on line 8735 and 8738
  • Unloadable Facebook cover picture icons would sometimes try to load twice, resulting in more 404 errors.
  • Fix regarding Warning: Missing argument 2 for Jetpack_Tiled_Gallery::gallery_shortcode()
  • Magnific Popup to v1.0.0
  • Documentation, Localization.

v2.5 – 2015-04-23

YouTube playlist, no longer using YouTube API v2 for their RSS feeds, instant preview picture in Facebook share with Smart Deeplinking, correct RSS feed order, latest PhotoSwipe, many improvements and fixes, also involving security.
Added / New features
  • YouTube playlists are now available to display as a gallery.
  • Ability to override recent posts titles using a custom field.
Changed / Improved
  • Since Youtube API v2 is no longer in use and YouTube RSS feeds no longer work, JIG fills the gap with a workaround. You can just use regular Channel and Playlist (!) URLs from now on, or keep using old YouTube feeds (they'll be converted on the fly). JIG is smart and will get your videos anyway.
  • Larger resolution thumbnail source for YouTube, where available (maximum resolution). This allows for closer representation of the original video aspect ratio and more random lookin width across the thumbnails.
  • Shared images on Facebook now show the image preview on the first try as well. This applies to prettyPhoto and PhotoSwipe with JIG Smart Deeplinking used with any image source.
  • Multiple JIG instances with Flickr collections can be used on the same page - those that don't overlap, e.g. 2 different collections as 2 different JIG instances.
  • Invite-only Flickr Groups can be selected in the Shortcode Editor for Flickr Group pool source.
  • Post status for WP images changed from 'inherit' to 'any' in the WP query.
  • PhotoSwipe 4: Pin it and Google+ sharer menu items now have mouse over background colors.
  • ColorBox JS settings revamped (enter -1 then save to update to the new settings).
  • ColorBox CSS updated for better text align throughout themes.
  • Jetpack Lightbox works with "Gallery Carousel Without JetPack" plugin.
  • Loading of Pinterest script for prettyPhoto is now protocol flexible.
  • prettyPhoto Smart Deeplinking had a problem with ? and & query strings, mostly with video URLs from RSS.
  • PhotoSwipe 4 didn't work properly with oversized images from Flickr.
  • PhotoSwipe 4 no longer opens smaller than the window on some sites (no JS fix necessary anymore).
  • Right click protection didn't work in PhotoSwipe 4.
  • Empty link rel is no longer allowed/advised as it is unable to identify the lightbox that way. When link rel is empty an automatic link rel will get used.
  • SSL verify peer setting didn't have an effect on external image dimensions fetching (https RSS feeds mostly, problem was more prominent on local test environments).
  • Sometimes RSS items would show duplicate images, where not all feed entries had an image.
  • RSS feeds order (most prominently Picasa) would be messed up if the items in it were posted at the same date. Simplepie treated all feeds as multifeed even if you used just 1 feed and it force sorted by date. Now single feeds are presented in the same arbitrary order you have them.
  • Fixed PHP notice in line 15271.
  • RSS feature correctly handles protocol-flexible image URLs.
  • Flickr collections feature rejects foreign set or collection IDs from users that are not added to your site.
  • Escaping with esc_url() after using add_query_arg() or remove_query_arg() regarding XSS vulnerability.
  • PhotoSwipe to v4.0.7 (re-customized).
  • Colorbox to 1.6.0
  • jQuery dotdotdot to 1.7.2
  • Mobile Detect to 2.8.12
  • Documentation, Localization.

v2.4 – 2014-12-19

New PhotoSwipe 4 with Smart Deeplinking (social sharing for mobiles), better sharing, improved Facebook source performance
Added / New features
  • New PhotoSwipe 4 by Dmitry Semenov is now included, boosted with certain JIG flavors:
    • It is a brand new, performance and user-expericene driven lightbox, that is perfect for mobiles. Also, it's the new default mobile lightbox in JIG.
    • Customized with Smart Deeplinking - generates same content URLs as prettyPhoto (optional).
    • It can share (to 4 networks, including Google+) the same way as prettyPhoto - but on mobile devices!
    • It is compatible with JIG's open to lightbox albums, hidden limit, load more, filtering etc.
    • The new PhotoSwipe will automatically replace the old when you update.
    • Old photoswipe is still available to choose, for legacy (separate settings).
  • JIG-exclusive feature Smart Deeplinking for PrettyPhoto and PhotoSwipe is now extended to Google+ (when +1'd the exact image and its title/description gets shown on Google+) - this does not carry a change in the shared URL.
  • Multiple Facebook overviews are now supported on the same page.
Changed / Improved
  • As part of the PhotoSwipe integration, the #!prettyPhoto deeplink hash is now replaced with #!jig but this change does not automatically affect existing users, to not break your social sharing counts. Link rel setting now takes values like the new default: jig[*instance*] instead of auto.
  • Recent posts now show author name properly, according to the "Display name publicly as" WP setting.
  • Security improvement to disallow pulling images from unauthorized Facebook sources. Will not react to unknown albums in the URL.
  • Facebook album IDs in the shortcode are now separated by space to avoid overflowing in the editor. Backwards compatible.
  • More image de-duplication in the Facebook feed feature.
  • Facebook album title is shown along the description for the "latest album's contents" view mode.
  • NextGEN galleries that have all their images hidden will not show up in the grid from now on.
  • Several improvements to Facebook overview: multi-select album mode (speed, timeouts).
  • RSS feed URL getter tool now creates YouTube feeds that pull 50 videos instead of 25 (unless limited) and provides better thumbnails. This is retroactively applied to all existing YouTube feeds you created.
  • Sharing to Pinterest now includes title + description.
  • Tweet button and Google+ button in prettyPhoto no longer request their script for every image (faster performance) - functionality unaffected due to using already loaded scripts.
  • Tweeting an image will now show the image's title instead of the page title (where available).
  • Facebook "No albums at all" error - when not true - will prompt you to gain access through a user (demographically limited pages).
  • In some cases (e.g. Facebook) when straight to lightbox modes are used, the lightbox groups were combined, now they are split up.
  • Facebook feed resulted in no items error when tried to cache feed content with special characters.
  • Removed "link: null" in the generated JS script.
  • PHP warnings fixed when using * for ng_tags_album in some cases.
  • RSS enclosures now skip videos and try only images for thumbnail creation.
  • RSS Feeds that have URL parameters now work better.
  • Multiple crashy prettyPhoto instances would open if the first image of an "open albums in lightbox" set was re-opened from deeplink.
  • PhotoSwipe - v4.0.1
  • Mobile Detect 2.8.11
  • Magnific Popup - v0.9.9 – 2014-09-06
  • Language file, Documentation.

v2.3 era – 2014-10/11

v2.3.1 – 2014-11-17

Infinite scroll offset, comments for recent posts, better Facebook. Also, improvements, fixes.
Added / New features
  • Offset for Infinite Scroll (start loading more before even reaching the end of the gallery).
  • Comments count can be shown as Recent posts description and the "comments" text rewritten.
  • Show latest Facebook album's content (not just a lightbox gallery for the sidebar).
  • Mix latest one Facebook album with other albums for overview mode (won't force straight to lightbox in this case).
Changed / Improved
  • JIG marks with a HTML comment whenever it adds OG meta tags for Facebook (only for the crawler, with prettyPhoto smart deeplinking).
  • Upon interacting with a preset in the settings, that preset remains selected so you can save to it without the need to select it again.
  • Facebook API v2.2 compatibility. Fixed "50 albums" limit.
  • Recent posts now automatically adds a space after the author name prefix.
  • TimThumb is bypassed when showing a Flickr collection that only has subcollections (Flickr-generated grid previews are tiny).
  • Custom link's target now influences where "attachment page" opens for WP Media Library images.
  • Editor-level user can now add image source content.
  • PrettyPhoto smart deeplinking, Individual Facebook like/share: JIG sometimes HTML commented out its own OG meta tags for Facebook (when PHP object buffer was flushed by a 3party).
  • Line 8275, line 15446, social_gallery_plugin_data notice fixed.
  • Border now appears above captions.
  • IE: Caption special effect visibility z-index problem fixed.
  • Remove usually unnecessary NextGEN files from the page - will not break NextGEN's insert dialog.
  • In most cases lightbox links (Instagram, RSS, Recent posts) were not possible to move in the lightbox (between link title and img alt).
  • Documentation, language files.

v2.3 – 2014-10-11

Improvements and bugfixes
Changed / Improved
  • Filter buttons' text now capitalizes by default.
  • Video player option added to Shortcode Editor's "Custom link default target" setting.
  • Right click protection for prettyPhoto improved (for single images, without left/right arrows).
  • Twitter button shares the correct URL now.
  • Download link feature wasn't working for small, normal sized Facebook images (also a notice was present).
  • Load More, when combined with filtering, loaded more than necessary images at once.
  • Last row centering was incorrect when combined "Match" mode and the thumbs of the previous to last row were cropped.
  • Mouse intereaction with Slide and Reverse slide caption styles would clear the special effect when using special effects only for the captions.
  • Border animation such as preset 14's effect was not working since a recent update.
  • Removed deprecated like_escape() calls (WP4).
  • Right click protection enabled for Jetpack Photon.
  • Colorbox 1.5.14
  • Language file.

v2.2 era – 2014-08

v2.2.2 – 2014-08-30

Minor update
Added / New features
  • One time Load More option, to show all remaining images at once, after the initially limited amount.
Changed / Improved
  • Jetpack Carousel disconnected from "link title" and "img alt" fields, it'll always use WP Title field for top text and WP Description field for bottom (long) text. It shows "Caption title" right underneath the photo, as usual.
  • Flickr collections "unkown" method error.
  • Load More's remaining image count is more precise, takes into account any images hidden due to "incomplete last row" setting.

v2.2.1 – 2014-08-29

  • Recent posts shown a duplicate image at the end.
  • Jetpack Carousel caption problems.

v2.2 – 2014-08-28

Smart deeplinking for prettyPhoto (update does not switch to it automatically), Caption special effects, many improvements (also for performance), bugfixes
Added / New features
  • Smart deeplinking for prettyPhoto
    • Short #!URLs, just an ID to identify images (no image path visible anymore).
    • Image text metadata will now show up on Facebook when liked/shared.
    • All image sources supported, will utilize content IDs for deeplinking from WP Media Library, WP Posts, NextGEN gallery, Facebook, Flickr, Instagram.
    • Show any of the 4 WP fields or a tailored custom field metadata for images shared to Facebook - basically lets you show anything you want for title/description in a Facebook share dialog.
    • Show Recent posts metadata (title, auto excerpt, custom fields) when shared to Facebook from JIG Recent Posts that show in the lightbox by featured images.
    • Backwards compatible + falls back to "advanced deeplinking" for Custom links and RSS feeds (those don't have an ID).
  • Special effect for the captions (e.g blur)
    • A new options for special effects to only apply behind the captions.
    • Works with all special effects.
    • Compatible with all built-in caption animations and aligns e.g. vertical center.
    • Can be used with "Title background matches text width" setting.
    • Toggle if the overlay effect (darkening or color) affects the special effect.
    • Cross-browser, uses alrady established special effects engine (blur and desaturate works even in IE7).
  • Facebook settings for Smart deeplinking (sitewide settings): WP field for og:title tags, WP field for og:description, Og tags custom field - used by individual images for Facebook like/share.
  • All content that has an ID (in any way possible) now has an ID-based unique class such as jig-contentID-ML-8944 which includes a 2-letter source designation and an ID that is meaningul in the source's namespace (can be turned off, but prettyPhoto Smart deeplinking depends on it).
  • Because of this, it's now possible to use Custom CSS to target any image in the grid (except RSS feed images) - without even using the "Image custom classes" setting. Previously it wasn't possible to uniquely target non-WP content at all.
  • Video poster can be turned off, for the built in video player.
  • JIG Admin texts such as "Load more" or "Please log in" messages can now be translated in WPML's string translation in the context of admin texts.
Changed / Improved
  • Now using Facebook API v2.1
  • Facebook like/share button URLs updated to use _escaped_fragment_ as a query variable and not #! hashbang, to ensure proper counting of likes and shares. Previously they were prone to a "reset" due to a Facebook bug, apparently. This update should bring back the count for those that got reset, because they are ultimately counted towards this new URL.
  • Improved performance of custom font load detection, vertical centering, special effects processing (especially when the gallery is resized).
  • When captions are displayed below the thumbnails, the ellipsis (dotdotdot) plugin reacts when a custom font gets loaded.
  • BJ Lazy Load no longer messes up the grid by bringing in pictures from the non-JS version of the gallery - JIG automatically adds a class to its "skip classes" setting if not set, or uses it if you have set it.
  • PrettyPhoto fit aligned to not be covered by a floating status bar of browsers.
  • Better "no photos found" message and filename based de-duplication for NG search feature.
  • Better labels for custom image sizes in "Maximum size for lightbox".
  • Built in magnifiying glass icon's size is not needed to be determined by CURL, as it is known.
  • When no preset is used in the shortcode, the JIG instance will have this class: .jig-preset-global.
  • Re-enabled "mixed" animation style for captions on Safari.
  • Some Facebook thumbnails still failed to load when "Facebook image size in the lightbox" remained on "Normal".
  • Magnific Popup wasn't told about iframes and videos when you were using hidden limit, max rows or load more and tried to access hidden content.
  • Protocol flexible image URLs by WP resulted in images not loading.
  • Undefined offset PHP notice when using "Recents placeholder" image for posts you don't have a featured image for.
  • Removed deprecated call (PHP notice) to get_userdatabylogin when pulling Recent posts by author.
  • HTML tags werent decoded in the non-JS version of the gallery.
  • FB Feed source: Possible duplicates removed, limit set to max 250 even if you set it higher - Facebook changed it to show an error if set higher.
  • Template tag generator didn't take some WP image sources into account other than IDS and ID.
  • Random order was stuck by W3TC object/database caching.
  • Fixed IE7-8 compatibility where images would fail to load.
  • In some cases Jetpack Carousel didn't show some WP fields.
  • This setting is no longer necessary: aid translation of customizable JIG texts.
  • Documentation, Localization.

v2.1 – 2014-08-12

Facebook API v2, Magnific Popup, NextGEN search, many improvements and fixes. Important! If you use photos from Facebook Pages, without an App, create a Facebook App before updating for an uninterrupted experience.
Added / New features
  • Facebook API v2 compatibility. From now on you must register a simple App for any Facebook content including pages. Simplified instructions!
  • Magnific Popup, a responsive lightbox by Dmitry Semenov: integrated/bundled
    • Supported JIG specific features: 2 captions instead of 1, hidden limit, load more, copy protection (context menu disable), gallery groups (straight to lightbox albums in NextGEN, Flickr, Facebook), automatic type detection (image/iframe-video), HTML formatted captions (links etc), captions for iframe/video content...
    • Dedicated setting for "Zoom effect" and additional custom JS settings.
  • Create galleries by NextGEN search
    • A new setting that scans NextGEN library for your search queries.
    • Looks into Tags, File name, Alt / Title Text, Description (can be individually toggled).
    • Results can be sorted as a whole and are de-duplicated by filename.
    • Intersect tags setting applies, so you can match ANY or ALL your search queries.
    • Very useful as a template tag when added to a search results page.
  • Mobile preset, essentially allows any setting to be different for mobile devices.
  • Added Facebook share button next to Like button in prettyPhoto social tools - shares with the exact image (!) as thumbnail when advanced deeplinking is on.
  • Custom fields - from WP images - can now be shown as captions and/or lightbox texts.
  • Custom fields - post metadata - can now be shown as Recent posts description, up to 3 differnt ones.
  • Reading direction: support for RTL right-to-left.
  • Custom lightbox JS call setting: use your custom lightbox with load more, filtering too!
  • WooCommerce price display is selectable for recent posts descriptions.
  • Minimum retina quality setting (decide how low can the automatic quality drop).
  • Maximum retina density setting (set screen support or how detailed the thumbs can be).
  • A new Facebook overview mode, useful for sidebars: Latest one normal album, opened in the lightbox.
  • Disable lightbox on mobiles (links off, tapping disabled).
  • "Custom lightbox" option added to mobile lightbox setting.
  • Ability to prevent JIG's version of a bundled lightbox script from loading if you already have it on the page.
  • Useful custom image sizes are detected and are available to choose for "Maximum size for lightbox" setting, along with their dimensions noted.
  • Link to Instagram directly, skipping the lightbox.
  • Link to Flickr directly, skipping the lightbox.
  • SSL verify peer is now a setting (advanced) so if you have problem with SSL certificates you no longer need to edit the plugin's source to uncomment certain lines.
  • Custom JS setting, to go alongside with Custom CSS.
Changed / Improved
  • Re-written prettyPhoto fit to viewport mechanism as large images were poking out and it wasn't perfect.
  • Better Facebook "feed" image source on users and pages, as part of the v2 API compatibility.
  • Pin button shows pin count in prettyPhoto social tools.
  • Error checking performance improved, also when it's off then load more can continue even if some images fail to load.
  • Backward slash and unnecessary doubleslash detection is now better.
  • Better theme compatibility (overriding responsive themes' max-width CSS).
  • More flexibility regarding Custom links when using Recent posts.
  • Better SEO (visible in the non-JS version of the gallery), the captions are shown as text not just HTML attributes. Empty rel attributes removed from HTML.
  • Gallery path creation/detection for NextGEN gallery is reworked to give more stable results than previously.
  • Preset's ID is added to the HTML class of JIG to allow cutom CSS targeting.
  • Narrow by tag setting for NextGEN is extended over tag galleries.
  • Blur special effect is no longer retina ready, looks much better and blurrier in normal resolution.
  • Recent posts feature, when showing pages by custom order, same order-numbered pages will order by title ascending, as expected and seen in the All Pages screen, (encountered the problem using CMS Tree Page View plugin).
  • When the RSS URL shortcode attribute appears as a link in the Visual tab of the editor, the shortcode will still work.
  • Mobile row height deviation was equal to row height when not set, fixed (you might want to have large deviation on mobiles deliberately now!).
  • Unloadable Facebook albums now load properly in overview mode (their thumbnails didn't have urlencoded URLs, it only affected FB pictures that have a query string added to their URLs).
  • Template tag creation tool didn't recognize Instagram settings.
  • Shortcode Editor, when selecting Facebook albums, some images failed to load (not because of Facebook) preventing it from being selected - when the error is in fact due to Facebook, these will remain disabled though.
  • Loading background (gray area, preloaders etc) were only shown were captions weren't turned off.
  • Incomplete last row centering was imperfect in a certain scenario, resulting in overlapping images.
  • Random order wasn't applied when showing NextGEN pics by ID.
  • Forced menu order (custom) is reversed for recent posts to follow the expected Page order. Now it goes by ascending order, previously it was descending.
  • Download image feature were sometimes unable to fetch the photo with a long URL that didn't end with an extension, e.g. from Facebook. Also, extension detection was improved.
  • Facebook feature will display better and more informative error messages. Previously a division by zero error appeared in rare cases.
  • Division by zero (rare case) unrelated to Facebook feature, fixed.
  • These tags @[123456789:1234:Name of a Facebook entity] are now filtered more consistently, as they were sometimes still visible in the Facebook album descriptions.
  • Empty media library view due to PHP notice when "Add media" is opened while wp_debug was true.
  • The setting to prevent unncessary NextGEN scripts from loading was too powerful and resulted in PHP notice, fixed.
  • Custom link's target and custom links no longer influence NextGEN album view and tag album view.
  • Custom links weren't used for hidden images in the grid, e.g. iframe-lightbox links, using hidden limit.
  • Lightbox wasn't activated on certain images of the grid when they got added/removed due to "max rows" or "incomplete last row" (not load more).
  • FooBox would cause "double lightbox" when used in conjunction with another lightbox except prettyPhoto or colorBox, when opening galleries straight in the lightbox (not on their own page).
  • The prettyPhoto advanced deeplinking would fail to re-open content with weird URLs like videos from RSS feed.
  • In rare cases a tap on PhotoSwipe close would open the thumbnail beneath it, not allowing to close the lightbox.
  • Reference to deleted custom preset no longer breaks the grid, falls back to a shortcode without preset.
  • Thumbnail error checking now also works when TimThuRemoved>
  • The "Add friends as pages" feature for Facebook is removed as part of the V2 API compatibility. You can no longer fetch other people's photos without their explicit permission. The "Add other user" feature remains of course, where your friend will need to grant permissions to use their photos.
  • TimThumb to v2.8.14, security fix for webshots, which is off anyway, JIG customizations transferred.
  • Colorbox to v1.5.13
  • MobileDetect to v2.8.3
  • jQuery dotdotdot 1.6.16
  • Documentation, Localization.

v2.0 era – 2014-03/05

v2.0.4 – 2014-05-16

SEO, quick improvements
Changed / Improved
  • Photo credit lines from Facebook album description are now filtered to only retain the name, not all the ids (previously Photo Credit: @[123456789:1234:Name of photographer]).
  • Re-checked/improved Google indexing capabilities, XML sitemaps, images in RSS feeds - considering CDN, Jetpack Photon, TimThumb on/off scenarios.
  • Shortcode editor is slightly more usable on mobile devices.
  • Theme compatibility regarding -webkit-backface-visibility.
  • No more urlencoded URLs seen by Google.
  • Localization.

v2.0.3 – 2014-05-14

  • Using image_categories and/or image_tags without having MLA installed resulted in loading ALL pictures, fixed.
  • Removed the fix that was added a year ago for this Chrome bug it sometimes actually caused the problem now that the bug was fixed in Chrome.
  • Some custom links that contain certain characters are not urlencoded but the JS still tried to urldecode them and resulted in an error (e.g. you tried to open a form in prettyPhoto with this in the link ?iframe=true&width=705&height=100%).

v2.0.2 – 2014-05-12

Flickr SSL, better translatability, show images by any taxonomy, cosmetic fixes regarding Retina Ready and special effects, better (video) sharing from prettyPhoto, numerous improvements and bugfixes
Added / New features
  • Customizable texts in JIG are now translatable via WPML String Translation as well (such as Load More, Read More, Download, etc.)
  • Modified TimThumb to use a list of allowed hotlinking sites. By default it allows your subdomains to hotlink, ensuring compatibility with WPML language subdomains.
  • Image taxonomy: pull WP images using any taxonomy you have enabled on them, not just what's possible with JIG or MLA plugin, ability combine this with categories and tags.
  • Blog view limit: the ability to limit the number of images when the post is displayed among others (blog view, archives, author posts, category listing etc.) and shows a message to view the rest of the gallery (links to the full post like Read more).
Changed / Improved
  • Special Effects are now Retina Ready.
  • TimThumb will no longer produce thumbnails that are larger than the original image (no upscaling on the server side). Maximum thumbnail size decreased from 2500 to 2000. When hitting this limit, it will no longer produce images that are not in the desired aspect ratio (modified the limiting mechanism). Most of these affect the retina ready feature.
  • Settings' Import/Export is using JSON instead of serialize, if possible, allowing more portability between different installations.
  • When pinning content to Pinterest, especially Video-based content (from the customized PrettyPhoto), the HTML is stripped from description but the links are retained in a pinterest-compatible format. Furthermore the video thumbnails will become the shared image on Pinterest.
  • The optional 'Remove usually unnecessary NextGEN files from the page' feature is now much more effective, will block every static resource by NextGEN - only for cases when you just use JIG for display and never use native NextGEN.
  • WP media library source: 'ids' and NextGEN source: 'ng_pics' shortcode attributes now accept ranges too, e.g. '10-35,40,51-55' allowing quick inclusion of images by ID.
  • Unveil Lazy Load won't duplicate the images anymore (previously only the plugin called 'Lazy Load' was affected by this fix).
  • The instagram_tag_filter is now case-insensitive.
  • Customized prettyPhoto to prevent themes from calling prettyPhoto on JIG with their own settings (this caused inconsistent prettyPhoto theme/overlay_gallery behavior and crippling the JIG video player in some themes such as Avada).
  • Adding a star * to the ng_tags_album setting will now pull all NG tags to the album.
  • Custom lightbox feature's 'Custom attribute name' setting can now be used even without its value pair.
  • Image scaling performance improved for FireFox: images' contents will no longer appear to be moving 1px when mouse-interacting with the special effects.
  • Tweeting a videoplayer view of prettyPhoto lightbox will properly keep the link in the tweet.
  • Liking a self-hosted video in prettyPhoto (played by the new player solution) didn't use the video thumbnail nor re-opened the video when clicking on the liked content on Facebook this is now fixed to work the same as the images.
  • HTTPS (SSL) Flickr API is used instead of HTTP because of New SSL Endpoints for the Flickr API.
  • Custom presets were not properly removed from database on uninstall when partial or full removal is requested.
  • Add Media dialog would be blank when wp-debug was true (PHP notice regarding line 14512).
  • Download.php wouldn't work in a specific case, casted content-length as string.
  • The Instagram backlink in the lightbox would say video even though it's a photo type of content.
  • Middle border color is no longer seen during loading (usually a white background).
  • When the video couldn't be played in the video player solution, the image appeared shrunk.
  • JIG Link field in the Media Library in now really longer.
  • MobileDetect to v2.8
  • Colorbox v1.5.9
  • Documentation, Localization.

v2.0.1 – 2014-03-31

Hotfix, FooBox related bugfix
Changed / Improved
  • Developer link is also centered when the 'Incomplete last row' setting is set to one of the centering styles.
  • Max rows setting is automatically disabled when using Load More.
  • Shortcode Editor will interpret/load shortcodes that have more than one space between the attributes (likely due to manual editing).
  • JIG Link field appears longer in the media library and the labels are better aligned.
  • JIG Settings screen is a bit more compact and shows the Shortcode Editor icon.
  • FooBox will no longer open 'larger' or 'maximum' sized Facebook images in an iframe.
  • When pointing a thumbnail to a link which is an image (using JIG Link) foobox will no longer open it in an iframe.
  • RSS feed: sometimes youtube feed would say 'no items' error.
  • Disabling 'Custom links on images' will no longer also disable 'WP image custom classes' utlity.
  • MobileDetect to 2.7.9

v2 – 2014-03-27

Custom presets, preset authority, video player, exclude Facebook albums, many improvements and bugfixes
Added / New features
  • Custom presets: You can now save your settings to a named custom preset that you can load (as global settings or in the shortcode) or edit/delete.
  • Preset authority editor: You can now see the reach of presets, what settings belong to them and which ones considered global. Change certain settings to be global, regardless of preset (like lightboxes). This compliments Custom Presets very well and also provides insight into how presets and settings work.
  • Mediaelement.js video player (from WP core) in the lightbox: you can now play any video (custom hosted) by adding its URL to Custom link on the images (prettyPhoto or FooBox), also a new JIG Target: Video player.
  • Instagram videos are now played in the lightbox instead of opening on a new tab on Instagram (you can still open their own page if you use the Instagram backlink feature in the lightbox), this is more consistent with the photos! The word 'photo' changes to 'video' automatically in the backlink text.
  • Exclude selected Facebook albums from the overview - a setting in the Shortcode Editor.
  • Show Instagram photo owner's username on the thumbnails and in the lightbox (optional).
  • Since row centering is available, added these new 'Incomplete last row' modes: Match + Center, Flexible + Center, Flexible + Match + Center.
Changed / Improved
  • Presets selection UI in the settings was changed to a dropdown (minimizes clutter) and it looks more compact and useful while having more features.
  • All JIG error messages that appear on the frontend have been wrapped in a .jigErrorMessage class so you can hide or style them with CSS.
  • Centering the Filter tag cloud and buttons is changed to be much better and look more coherent. Tag cloud line height is now automatic, the tags align vertically on the same line, while their 'selected state' background also represents their size. Also works on IE7!
  • Updated the download photo script to use CURL where otherwise it would not be possible to download an image (0 filesize because of allow_url_fopen).
  • The 'Lazy Load' plugin will no longer show a duplicate gallery below JIG.
  • Facebook tab in the Shortcode Editor is greatly improved performance-wise, loads faster.
  • JIG Target field is now a more compact dropdown, which is nicer than messy radiobuttons, option values were renamed.
  • When the custom link target is a video or youtube/vimeo content, official lightboxes that lack video/iframe support will not try to open them, so the video will open in a new tab instead.
  • PrettyPhoto's tweet button is now protocol flexible, supports https.
  • Not using the deprecated jQuery .load() and .error() methods anymore.
  • Settings, TimThumb tab: problem detection by a more meaningful red/green image, not just permissions check.
  • Backwards slashes and/or multiple forward slashes are filtered from the thumbnail URLs from now on.
  • New, better, more compact color picker (jQuery MiniColors) for the settings area and the Shortcode Editor (WP 3.9 TinyMCE 4 doesn't have the color picker).
  • WP 3.9 compatibility: clicking the gray shaded area around the Shortcode Editor closes it.
  • TimThumb cache files (txt) and the empty index.html files can no longer be edited in the Plugin editor (WP dashboard feature) for JIG, so it shows less clutter and one can find the files to edit faster should they decide to change them.
  • Reduced Shortcode Editor's memory footprint.
  • Weirdest, oldest multi-instance bug: When selecting a preset in the shortcode, the subsequent JIG instances will inherit that preset when they don't have one selected. This is fixed so the next instances start with the global settings properly!
  • Regarding PrettyPhoto, Pinterest button: fixed a JS error that breaks the grid when loading the page in an iframe like Stumbleupon: Uncaught security error: Protocols, domains, and ports must match.
  • Another step against prettyPhoto crashes, some vertical images with lots of text below them would still crash, this is no longer the case.
  • Flickr collections, when opening a set in the lightbox and the limit is on default (25) and not set to unlimited (0) and the set cover photo is not in the first 25, the set would have a weird-empty caption, this is fixed (Facebook feature isn't affected by this as it works differently).
  • Flickr content: empty-looking captions are now removed, orhan separator characters next to Download link or Flick backlink are removed.
  • Certain images that have query parameters in their URL were not loaded by TimThumb (for example some Facebook photos).
  • Facebook feature giving 'no albums', 'items are empty' or 'no pictures in any of the albums' errors when they are not really the case are solved (when you had no limit set and wanted to use the Facebook overview features), meaningful errors from facebook are now also displayed, if available.
  • Recent posts' Filter by Taxonomy: Taxonomy filter term setting wouldn't take more than one term, now it properly takes multiple.
  • Facebook Overview had an error when you chose to display the manually set album covers.
  • NextGEN custom links feature using the NGG Custom Fields plugin has been fixed when using multiple custom fields.
  • NextGEN gallery paths were sometimes the absolute paths due to a change in NG 2.0.57
  • When disregarding Custom links, Facebook images would appear smaller (because the large image is added a link that points to the lightbox).
  • Filtering: Tag cloud tag sizes in relation to All button were once again fixed.
  • Filtering: When using 'Allow multiple filters' the tags didn't react to mouse over (highlight).
  • Shortcode editor could show a blank screen due to running out of memory when the site had many (thousands) of users that are collected for the Recent posts' Filter by author setting - changed to only include Authors and work with much less data.
  • When using numerical Filtering (years or similar), Chrome put them to the beginning of filter buttons/tags, disregarding your ordering choices.
  • Removed PHP notices regarding some Flickr content + Flickr collections, also it was not possible to add Flickr collections when you had wp_debug mode on, due to the notices.
  • Removed PHP notices that were only visible in WP 3.9 regarding wpdb prepare.
  • Removed PHP notices regarding RSS feature.
  • Recent posts feature no longer goes searching for NextGEN thumbnail when there is probably no such feature image.
  • jQuery dotdotdot to 1.6.13
  • Colorbox to v1.5.5
  • Documentation, Localization.

v1 era

v1.9 – 2014-02-22

Automatic updates, better tabs support, AJAX, more flexible borders, major improvements to Facebook overview and prettyPhoto Pinterest pin button
Added / New features
  • Automatic updates
    • New update alert even without purchase code.
    • Automatic updates only when a valid purchase code is added that is not used elsewhere already.
    • Seamless integration: Changelog in the details, update headlines, show why updates are unavailable when necessary.
  • Second level filtering (display another set of filter buttons or tag cloud), with the same available settings as the first one.
  • Vastly improved tabs support, can figure out width even if the element is initially hidden.
  • AJAX support via unconditional script loading (a new setting).
  • Ability to show NextGEN tags in the description field (they will be visible on thumbnails and in the lightbox).
  • Highly advanced Pinterest Pin button creation mechanism, ensures a fancy button instead of image button at all times in the customized prettyPhoto.
  • You can now mouse control the middle border: Hovered/Others/Always visible (the color animates with CSS transitions).
  • Choose whether or not to use the actual Facebook cover photo for albums that don’t open in the lightbox.
  • Filter by NextGEN galleries (of pictures in the grid) – show them as tag cloud or filter buttons.
  • Center images in the incomplete last row (or any row that would appear left aligned).
  • Set a different caption height for mobiles when caption is displayed below the thumbnail (optional).
  • Restrict the gallery to logged in users if you want to and display a custom message.
  • New optional setting to prevent opening the lightbox (for larger size) for users who are not logged in.
  • Ability to show all of the photos from each child page of certain parent page (parent_id).
  • You can now sort NG content (albums, galleries, tag galleries) by the ‘Order by’ setting of JIG (date/title ascending/descending), in addition to random.
  • You can now center filter buttons and/or the tag cloud.
  • Ability to disable Custom link feature: JIG Link and JIG Target fields in the media library, in case you don’t need them.
  • Set TimThumb’s crop zone globally or on a per gallery basis, useful when using a fixed aspect ratio and you want to change what’s visible on your thumbnails.
Changed / Improved
  • Facebook overview performance is vastly improved, especially if you don’t use the ‘Open albums in lightbox’ setting – the plugin now gets images with just one call to Facebook.
  • Brought back the prettyPhoto viewport fitting customization, but removed the cause behind the browser crash at small screen/window sizes. The result is a prettyPhoto that fits in the window nicely without crashes.
  • ‘New tab’ is now available for the mobile lightbox setting.
  • Indicated how to use ‘Add a new Flickr user’ and ‘Add a new Facebook page’ buttons, they were apparently slightly confusing.
  • You can now set the separator character between the text and the download link or the text and the NG tags (new setting).
  • Facebook feature recently topped off at just 100 photos, even when the limit was set to higher, this is now fixed.
  • Facebook overview caching sometimes didn’t work (resulting in slow performance where it would be most needed) because of too much information was sent to the database, these are now storable by being compressed.
  • Facebook overview feature is no longer limited to 25 when selecting multiple albums one by one, if you picked albums from the bottom they would not show up.
  • When displaying captions below the thumbnails, the text would sometimes be removed even if it could easily be visible with the usual … at some point. This is fixed to work much better and more consistently!
  • Facebook breadcrumb couldn’t be removed if you selected multiple Facebook albums by hand.
  • When specifying multiple values to the ‘id’ (post or page ID setting), only the first one’s pictures were loaded, this is now fixed.
  • Filtering, when using a number such as year, it would still show ‘null’ as a filter button, in case filter_orderby is popularity, filter_orderby is title_desc, or filter_top_x or the filter_min_count settings are used.
  • Filtering, fixed the order of filter buttons when also using filter_min_count.
  • Removed unescape() on title and caption from prettyPhoto as it messed up special characters in URLs in links like Read More.
  • Fixed Instagram-related ‘Undefined index: user_id’ notice.
  • When trying to sort NG albums sometimes JIG would tell there is no content in that album.
  • Due to Safari rendering bug the caption styles ‘mixed’ and ‘slide’ (and their reverse) fall back to a simpler implementation.
  • IE 6-7-8 compatiblity for prettyPhoto fixed, the image wouldn’t open in the lightbox.
  • jQuery dotdotdot plugin to v1.6.12
  • MobileDetect to 2.7.8
  • Colorbox to v1.4.37
  • Documentation, Localization.

v1.8 – 2013-12-20

Christmas update Flickr collections, Multiple Facebook albums, new Recent posts features, individual prettyPhoto social tools, WP3.8 compatibility and much more
Added / New features
  • Flickr collections
    • Collections hold sets on Flickr and JIG now fully supports the concept, with 5 levels of nesting.
    • ‘Overview collection’ that loads every collection on the Flickr account.
    • Sets can also open in a lightbox instead of on their own page.
    • Integrated breadcrumb with renameable home element and different separator characters.
    • Subcollection / set / photo count display on the thumbnail.
    • Collection / set description can be displayed above the grid.
  • Multiple Facebook albums can be selected for a customized overview (much requested!).
  • Recent posts are now filterable by author. It’s also possible to only show the currently logged in user’s posts.
  • Instagram user blacklist feature that allows you to hide photos from certain users (by username or IG user ID) – to provide some sort of moderation.
  • Instagram tag filter now has a mode switch: AND/OR to allow multiple tags narrowing the image results from Instagram.
  • Ability to add a class to certain images in the grid, to target them for CSS or JS customizations.
  • PrettyPhoto social button can be rearranged or individually disabled from now on, using a simple setting.
  • Recent Posts can now be obtained via WP3.7 ‘Advanced date queries’: show posts from a specific date range or the last x days.
  • Recent Posts’ “Display in the description” setting is now multiplied to allow 3 different lines of the same setting. You are now able to display three different types of information about the post (such as date/time, author, excerpt etc…) combined!
  • Recent Posts’ “Display in the description” settings have all your custom taxonomies added that can be shown as caption on the thumbnails. They are displayed comma separated like categories and tags which were the only taxonomies available previously.
  • Facebook albums’ description can now be shown on the overview thumbnails (under the photo count) and also above the albums.
  • Facebook photo count on album thumbnails can now be disabled if not needed.
  • Custom attribute name/value on thumbnail links (for custom lightboxes).
  • Link attributes (custom lightbox) settings mini-section holds the link class, rel, custom attribute settings and on top of that a control to use them only on desktops or mobile devices or both. This lets you use your custom lightbox wherever you require it.
  • JIG images can be enabled to show up in feeds, it’s an advanced setting and may not be applicable for every site.
Changed / Improved
  • WordPress 3.8 compatibility, better design/typography of the admin area (global settings). The Shortcode Editor was updated to match the original JIG SCE design.
  • The Load More feature (all types) will now wait until the current batch is finished loading before staring a new batch, this improves the speed and user experience.
  • Recent Posts’ Automatic excerpt feature doesn’t generate an empty ‘excerpt ending’ when there is no text or there are just images in the post.
  • The photo downloader feature (download link in the lightbox) is now compatible with more images and server scenarios, ensuring that no 0 size images are downloaded.
  • Image width and height is now added to the thumbnails, not just via CSS.
  • Facebook overview feature now finds your manually set cover photo. However if you are opening the albums in a lightbox, the cover photo will be the first photo to start viewing from the beginning.
  • WP plugin compatibility: In some cases that plugin breaks image uploads and essentially removes the dimensions metadata from the image in the WP database. JIG tried to calculate the dimensions (required for the layout) for these images but failed, now it’s done in an improved way that actually works. So while the plugin is not recommended, it will likely NOT break the grid by missing images from now on, even if the image appears broken in the Media Library.
  • PHP Sessions are no longer used for the Facebook and Instagram authentication process, now WP Transients are used instead. This means it should work seamlessly on even more servers (not relying on sessions).
  • PrettyPhoto social buttons have a more specific class now, to avoid theme conflicts. Spacing between them is equalized. The ‘facebook’ theme of prettyPhoto has a new classname as well!
  • ‘All of the images have failed to load.’ error message got updated with better instructions, it includes the hint that it may be a problem with Hostgator.
  • Shortcode Editor’s Recent Posts tab is reorganized for easier access (using subsections).
  • Filtering: When displaying the tag cloud, the first tag is treated like any other, previously it was larger than the rest.
  • Filtering: The method for selecting the first filter tag (or ‘All’) is revised to be more consistent – sometimes the gallery wouldn’t initialize.
  • Filtering: The tag cloud’s range now doesn’t take into account the ‘All’, and the most popular tag will be as large as the ‘All’ (if present) previously the ‘All’ was too dominant in some cases.
  • Facebook overview feature, when opening albums in a lightbox, the first image’s description will be its title and not the photo count from the thumbnail.
  • Add friends as Facebook pages feature extended to be available through the ‘add other user’ as well.
  • NextGEN permalink slug setting is now used properly. Previously it caused discrepancy between JIG and native NG’s album view.
  • NextGEN albums feature, when a subalbum is empty and the counter setting is on, there is no empty line new before the subalbum’s description.
  • Load more’s hybrid mode wouldn’t activate the auto loading feature in certain scenarios.
  • IE7 when caption is displayed below the thumbs, the mouse doesn’t turn into a hand from now on.
  • MobileDetect to 2.7.6
  • Localization, documentation.

v1.7 era – 2013-10/11

v1.7.2 – 2013-11-12

Flickr search, Facebook friends, improvements, bugfixes regarind NextGEN, filtering, compatibility, 3rd party script updates
Added / New features
  • Flickr search (ability to pull global Flickr photos matching certain criteria).
  • Facebook friends can now be added much like restricted pages (an authenticated user is required, you), this feature needs to be enabled with a separate setting to make sure one understands other people’s privacy.
  • From now on it’s possible to purge the WP RSS feed cache in the options.
  • Hybrid Load More option: One click on Load More is required then infinite scroll.
  • Add your Facebook friends as pages, with access via your user.
Changed / Improved
  • When multiple filtering mode on, clicking on a lone selected filter will deselect it and choose ‘all’ or the first filter.
  • Flickr tags with : in them are discarded as they are often undesired.
  • NextGEN albums and galleries whose name is a number (e.g. years) are now available to use properly.
  • Ability to pull all photos in the Media Library using ids=*.
  • FB auth other user ‘return’ page looks a bit better and displays the error message if available.
  • WP Image tags and Image categories settings will now search in native WP taxonomies if Media Library Assistant is installed but no results are found looking for the MLA taxonomies.
  • When the ID setting (pulling images attached to a post by ID), has multiple IDs, the results intertwine seamlessly and are not ‘put after each other’, so ordering settings are used – multi post IDs option is no longer available for pre-WP3.6, it defaults to the first given post ID.
  • The Facebook ‘No albums at all’ error displays more information as it’s more often an SSL problem.
  • Social Gallery v3 compatibility.
  • FooBox compatibility (recommended version!).
  • Carousel lightbox didn’t open Recent posts that link to images. Furthermore, when using Carousel with Recent posts that link to posts or WP attachment pages, an empty lightbox would show. Lightbox is disabled in these cases.
  • NextGEN gallery path problems, using the absolute path and not loading images is now fixed!
  • NextGEN ‘recent images’ and ‘random images’ modes now make use of custom links properly.
  • NextGEN breadcrumb gallery element would not display if the album was numeric.
  • Filtering didn’t work when you used years or other numbers as filter terms (while displaying the All button), this is fixed now.
  • Filtering feature, when there are no filters present, the All button won’t show as it has no purpose, also the filters_for_JS undefined variable notice is removed.
  • Filtering feature, when ‘Min count for term’ was set to 0, the filters would become ‘null’.
  • Vertical caption centering looked double and buggy in older IE versions, it has been improved.
  • Undefined variable: height and width errors are removed.
  • A prettyPhoto error, and another about z-index.
  • Missing semicolons syntax error that only arised when minification was applied to the inline JS.
  • Colorbox to v1.4.33
  • MobileDetect to 2.7.2
  • TimThumb to version 2.8.13
  • Localization, documentation.

v1.7.1 – 2013-10-03

Hotfix update
  • Instagram video thumbnails were not detected properly.
  • The lightbox would not activate when the grid is resized due to scrollbar appearing.
  • FooBox v2 is now detected properly.

v1.7 – 2013-10-01

Retina ready (native HDPI display support), vastly improved Filtering, theme and prettyPhoto compatibility (problems that were most often surfacing as "social tools are not visible")
Added / New features
  • Native Retina ready (even without Photon):
    • The device pixel ratio is used to serve larger images by TimThumb.
    • New settings: "Retina ready", "Retina quality" and "Overlay icon retina URL".
    • Automatically uses scaled, lower quality larger images for managed thumbnail filesize - does not double the size of the site for mobile.
    • Uses CSS media queries for images such as the overlay icon - if a retina version is specified (without the need to set its dimensions).
  • Placeholder image setting for Recent posts - to provide a way to display posts that don't have a feature image.
  • New caption setting called "Title background matches text width" so the caption title's background can be only as wide as the text, covering less from the thumbnails (optional). Works well with vertical centering. Some rounded corners are also available for dossier-style.
  • Caption animations are now possible to use in reverse: fade, slide and mixed can happen the other way around. That means all texts are shown by default and they fade/slide out on mouse over. Instead of only showing up on mouse over. These are 3 new options for the caption setting.
  • New caption style called "Below the image", that lets you put captions below the image, outside the thumbnail. This comes with a new setting that sets a uniform height for all these captions to make the result look cool and not random. Caption backgrounds will extend to this full height. Excess text will be cropped by ... or removed if it can't fit. Since the caption below the image is not part of the link that makes the image clickable, links and other HTML are now allowed in the caption below the thumbnails of the grid. This new feature goes especially well with Recent posts that now don't even have to have a featured image.
  • New caption extra: to have Facebook-style gradient background for the captions over the thumbnails.
  • Exclude posts by ID for Recent posts. It's useful for related-posts galleries. You can also auto-exclude the current posts by entering the word 'current' - much like 'featured' for the WP galleries' exclude (only through JIG).
  • Instagram: Restrict images by tags (no matter which Instagram source is used), a pre-filter feature.
  • Facebook Feed feature to compliment Overview and Timeline album modes. This new Feed feature can show photos by others on a page, or any other photo from your feed. It has limited use for user profiles, but can be useful for pages with user photos.
  • New width mode options: Fixed width only on desktop, or Fixed width only on mobile.
  • In the Shortcode Editor, you can now select multiple options conveniently with checkboxes for the following options: ng_gallery, ng_album, ng_random_images, recents_post_type by selecting 'switch to checkboxes' in the drop-down. It auto switches to checkboxes when loading a shortcode with multiple values for one of these shortcode attributes.
  • Ability to set a different row height and deviation for mobile devices.
  • New setting that enables a background for the thumbnails, which is visible during loading (e.g. gray box like on Flickr).
  • Allow transparent PNGs setting (normally they display with white background, intentionally to prevent a browser rendering bug).
  • An advanced option to disable TimThumb (useful for logos, testing, advanced users, last resort etc).
  • Basic Instagram videos support, now they show up in the grid, and when clicked a new tab opens with the video on Instagram. The Instagram video's page can't be opened in the ligtbox due to an Instagram limitation.
  • Compatibility with "Simple Custom Post Order" for Recent Posts, using a new order setting (Custom post order).
  • Ability to preserve given post order when using the post_ids shortcode attribute. If no specific orderby is selected, it'll just show them in the order you entered them (expected behavior).
Changed / Improved
  • Recent posts default limit was increased from 10 to 50.
Filtering feature (6 new settings)
  • Order filter terms by: In order of appearance in images, Title ascending (A-Z), Title descending (Z-A), Random, Popularity among images (top terms first), Custom (uses the next setting).
  • Filter terms custom order: manually set the desired filter terms and their order.
  • Min count for term: only display filter terms that have a certain amount of photos.
  • Top x terms: only display the top x number of filter terms, top means that more images belong to them.
  • Use All button: Yes or No - if not used the first term will be active and loaded by default.
  • Allow multiple filters: "No, just one at a time", "OR (expanding selection, union)" or "AND (narrowing selection, intersect)".
  • Filtering feature's tab is moved to be after 'Load more' as it is now a more prominent feature, it also has its own tab in the Shortcode Editor as well, in the same position.
  • Filter tags containing foreign (tested with Russian, Chinese) characters will work from now on.
  • Bugfix: Filtering feature, when combined with 'Load more', after selecting a filter, the extra images would no longer show up in the lightbox, now these two features work together properly. Loading more will increase the visible images for each filter simultaneously.
Self-loading and theme compatibility
  • Old jQuery detection is better and more consistent.
  • The plugin detects if its JS file is not loaded.
  • If the JIG JS is loaded but the JIG jQuery plugin is not in the jQuery object because of the site has multiple instances of jQuery loaded, it re-adds itself.
  • Inline JS of the activation call is now compressed, similar to CSS - reason: It only takes.
  • The JS call now only includes values that are non-default, because there are now defaults in the jQuery plugin part - this allows less code to call the JIG activation (it was beginning to get ternary chaos because of conditional string concatenation).
  • Inline JS does not break when minified with W3 Total Cache.
prettyPhoto feature/experience
  • Important bugfix: prettyPhoto would crash on small screens with lots of text above the image.
  • If prettyPhoto JS is loaded but the prettyPhoto jQuery plugin is not in the JS (same reason as above), it's re-added.
  • Now forces the JIG prettyPhoto as the used prettyPhoto in the jQuery object, even if the theme's prettyPhoto is loaded after JIG's prettyPhoto - this improves theme compatibility and ensures that JIG's customized prettyPhoto is the one that gets used.
  • prettyPhoto's re-open (by a deeplinking URL) is now event-based instead of the default 50ms delay, resulting in a snappier performance - prettyPhoto starts to re-open the image as soon as JIG is ready.
  • prettyPhoto's re-open only fires when a JIG instance activates it AND with the event mentioned above, furthermore it waits for other prettyPhoto activation calls to ensure that the lightbox that re-opens is driven by the prettyPhoto settings chosen in JIG.
  • JIG no longer de-registers your version(s) of prettyPhoto, as it can simply work around them.
  • The plugin now always works with absolute image URLs and not relative URLs (most importantly, this caused sharing problems in prettyPhoto e.g. Pinterest error in prettyPhoto - otherwise it would have been fine with relative URLs too).
  • Bugfix: prettyPhoto would crash if the window was resized and at the same time the resize affected JIG behind it (responsive themes), now it's fixed by not calling lightbox reinitialization script upon re-creating the gallery layout due to a resize.
  • If prettyPhoto is called by your theme or a plugin after a window resize, JIG detects that and puts back the prettyPhoto call with your desired settings (without the intent of re-opening the currently open lightbox, thus preventing crashing).
  • prettyPhoto didn't properly recognize https vimeo URLs, also it didn't detect channel video URLs properly, but now it works well with the RSS feature's vimeo channels option.
  • Facebook overview feature now works great even with /%category%/%postname%/ permalink structure (or with permalinks off). Furthermore, now it's working on all kinds of pages (category listing, blog sidebar, author page - except attachment pages) with a proper link which only changes the JIG gallery on the page, and not anything else. For example, previously it opened the last post from a blog listing view, now this is fixed.
  • Sometimes especially on self-hosted sites this error would appear when trying to add a Facebook user: "The authentication of current user: null is successful." - Now the following error will display with a useful link: "SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK".
  • Sometimes you'd get the message when adding a Facebook user: "The state does not match. You may be a victim of CSRF." now the more likely real problem is also pointed out: "Make sure that SESSIONS are enabled in your PHP environment (ask your hosting). It's more likely that this is the problem!".
  • When vertical centering captions and using caption style slide or mixed, if you brought the mouse over the thumbnails in the first five seconds, they'll align to center again which is not the expected behavior. It's due to custom fonts checking but was modified so the checking is not affected by your mouse over actions.
  • Filtering: Ensuring that 'All' button (when present) is always the first one. A slug of '0' would place a term before that.
  • PHP errors would appear if you are showing a NextGEN album that had a preview picture manually set but that picture since been removed, this is no longer the case, and instead JIG will just find another image automatically.
  • Shortcode Editor: NextGEN image source can't be selected at the same time as other image sources (they can't be combined anyway).
  • When editing a Flickr shortcode with photosets, groups or galleries in it, the AJAX loader will properly block user interactions until the selection area is loaded. Previously it was possible to switch to some other Flickr source type if the user was fast enough, resulting in unexpected behavior.
  • When loading a shortcode with Instagram source, all attributes are loaded properly (those that can apply to either IG source mode), previously they were not loaded except the instagram_link.
  • Loading a shortcode in the Shortcode Editor will only actually load it once, the first time, preventing certain anomalies that are results of double loading (keyup and change events both trigger the load) - yields some performance boost.
  • There was an SQL error when trying to find Featured images for Recent posts, and it didn't exist even in NextGEN.
  • The border element is no longer unnecessarily created, the result is less DOM elements.
  • The caption is no longer created, when it's just a single space.
  • When using the "Randomize thumbnail width" setting, the randomized width was added to the HTML source version of images which resulted in skewed images when JS was disabled, random width no longer tries to apply for non-JS scenarios.
  • Selecting a different jQuery load source would have an effect on the jQuery loaded in the admin, this changed to only affect the frontend.
  • Take over WP gallery shortcode option works properly for completely empty gallery shortcodes too!
  • Settings, Facebook tab: 'To add users' CSS fix.
  • Settings page's Load more tab, "Click to reset to the Light skin or the Dark skin.", these links didn't work in Firefox.
  • Documentation.
  • MobileDetect to 2.7
  • ColorBox to v1.4.31
  • Localization.

v1.6 era – 2013-08

v1.6.2 – 2013-08-26

Bugfixes, maintaining NG2 compatibility
  • NextGEN tag galleries are not looking into other taxonomies other than ngg_tag resulting in a more consistent behavior (as they are looking into both term names and slugs, it sometimes matched a term from a non-NextGEN taxonomy).
  • NextGEN albums and galleries are detected better from the URL, they interfered with some custom taxonomy page views.
  • NextGEN intersect tags feature now has a prevention for an unnecessary wrong DB query.
  • Instagram names with a symbol in them caused settings loss or weird behavior, now they are stripped (this was supposed to be added in a previous update, somehow it got left out).
  • Updated NextGEN 2.0.14 compatibility: JIG takes over NG shortcodes properly.
  • Added empty index.html files to every folder of the plugin to disallow directory browsing.
  • Added empty index.html files to every folder of the plugin to disallow directory browsing.

v1.6.1 – 2013-08-26

Hotfix and a new small setting
Added / New features
  • Intersect tags for NextGEN tag galleries to have the ability to display images that match all of the specified tags and not just any of them.
  • Shortcode editor loads (Youtube, deviantART) feed URLs or other values with an equal mark (=) properly for editing, previously it was cut off at the first occurrence.
  • Hidden limit is working properly now. In some cases it was incorrectly disabled.
  • Documentation, Localization files.

v1.6 – 2013-08-26

RSS Feeds (any image source), NextGEN 2 compatibility, larger Facebook images, animated gifs, settings import/export and uninstall, custom taxonomy filter for Recent posts
Added / New features
New image source: RSS/Atom feeds:
  • This update is not just about NG2, no! It's mainly about RSS Feeds and the immense power it brings to JIG.
  • With RSS you are able to pull images into JIG from a wide range of possible sites.
  • Semi-dedicated support for the following image sources, using RSS:
    • Youtube
    • Vimeo
    • 500px
    • Pinterest
    • deviantART
    • Stumbleupon
    • Imgur
    • Tumblr
  • Feed URL generator for the above sites, you supply the regular link and a helper tool converts it to the feed URL.
  • Any site can become an image source if it has a feed with images in it!
  • The RSS feature is not limited to the list of sites above.
  • New tab called 'RSS' in the shortcode editor with 8 new settings.
  • Link RSS images to their permalink or the image itself (RSS Reader mode or RSS Gallery mode basically).
  • Set description like WP Recent Posts feature (auto excerpt, date and time).
  • Optional lightbox backlink when images are opened in the lightbox.
  • Possibility to load anything into JIG via a custom RSS feed (for advanced users).
Nextgen 2 compatibility
  • Compatibility for both NG 1.9.x and NG 2+.
  • All functions regarding NG have been rewritten, JIG no longer uses the nggdb class, furthermore the nggGallery class is only used for options getting and internationalization. JIG now has its own functions for creating/interpreting links, communicating with the database (regarding NextGEN contents).
  • Database access has been heavily optimized to use the least possible queries since JIG uses its own methods for that. It yields significant performance advantage over NG2 and NG1. You can enjoy the performance benefit by only showing NG content through JIG on a given page. This can save 100 queries or more easily.
  • Fixed the chaos that C_Photocrati_Resource_Manager class caused, (modifying the loading and execution order of ALL scripts using object buffer) - when that class is present (or anything else overrides the 'holy' order), JIG will use $(document).ready(function(){ ... }); instead of the self-invoking anonymous function (function(){ ... })(); - after I did this, the "run_ngg_resource_manager" hook that was added in NG 2.0.11 so I also made use of that.
  • Added a new option for the ng_recent_images to display recent images in a way that NG2 does it. It takes into account the EXIF date of the image. If you have just uploaded an image, but it has an old EXIF date, it won't be the most recent image - this may not be the desired result! So you have the ability to choose to display recent images just by their upload date (NG 1.9.x style) or to take EXIF into account (NG 2 style, often undesired).
  • When displaying multiple galleries, combined by entering (comma separated) multiple ids to ng_gallery shortcode attribute, the ordering of pictures is taken into account by a whole, producing the same result as NG2. Previously the ordering got applied to the individual galleries and they were merged afterwards.
  • The ng_pics shortcode attribute was checked for NG2 compatibility and got improved to actually display the images in the order they are entered (as comma separated multiple ids) - the single (one) image feature is unaffected by this.
  • The ng_random_images now accepts a comma separated list of multiple gallery ids to allow random images from multiple galleries.
  • The display of NG albums takes the global sorting setting into account. NG2 only allows you to reverse your custom order by default, but JIG extends this to be able to sort album contents (galleries and subalbums combined) by Title or ID. This is useful for sorting by gallery Title A-Z when displaying multiple albums together (next changelog entry) or in the Overview album (all galleries) mode. The ID can be used to sort gallery/subalbum creation order. Feature is extended to NG1.
  • You can now display multiple albums using a comma separated list with the ng_album shortcode attribute. Feature was added with NG2 but JIG makes it available for use with NG1 too.
  • The global sort options of NG now apply to tag galleries and tag galleries accessed via tag albums. The tag albums are now in created in the order you specify them in the shortcode. It's enabled for NG1, even though only NG2 has this natively.
  • Everything uses the sort options of NG and reflects the same order as you see in NG2 natively, given the same options. This means ordering is set in NG. The random order is available at all times via JIG's orderby shortcode attribute.
  • Breadcrumbs and permalinks have been checked to work with either permalinks on or off and NG1 or NG2. Tested on a top-level domain and as well as a /wordpress/ directory installation (the latter is significantly different).
  • Featured images for Recent posts using NextGEN have been re-checked. NG2 copies the image to the WP media library so it works well. NG1 and old WP (pre media updates) uses ngg_ prefix for _thumbnail_id postmeta, JIG can handle that too for backwards compatibility.
  • JIG can now take over ngg_images shortcodes.
  • New setting: "Take over NextGEN 2 post inserts" as JIG can take over the new NG2 post inserts (the new way of NG2 that is instead of shortcodes).
  • "Remove usually unnecessary NextGEN files from the page" setting is updated to include a NG2 file.
  • v1.6 is tested for NextGEN 2.0.11 compatibility.
General additions
  • Using Recent Posts feature, when Click on a thumbnail link to an image (lightbox image gallery of posts), a permalink can be placed in the lightbox as a way to go to the parent post (similar to Flickr, Instagram, RSS backlinks in the lightbox).
  • Ability to pre-filter Recent posts by terms of any (including custom) taxonomy.
  • Recent posts can now make use of WP Sticky posts - no preference or only show sticky posts or exclude them.
  • Ability to show posts (or pages and custom post type) by manually specifying IDs (Recent posts feature).
  • Ability to open images on a new tab, by the browser (a new 'lightbox' setting).
  • Ability to disregard custom links (as an exception for a particular grid) - new option for Custom link's target (only in the Shortcode Editor).
  • Animated GIF support (skips TimThumb or Jetpack Photon) - a new setting.
  • Ability to show larger image in the lightbox from Facebook (normal: 720px max, larger: the new default, maximum: up to 4MP – 2048px).
  • Facebook overview feature's breadcrumb's home element can be a custom text instead of page/profile name.
  • Custom text to add before & after each gallery (can be disabled on individual instances).
  • Import/Export settings (with optional encryption) DB caches are not transferred.
  • Reset settings (wipe all JIG settings from the options table, DB caches are not wiped) - forces JIG to rebuild the settings and start over from defaults.
  • Proper uninstall. It's a setting that provides a way to select how to uninstall the next time you delete the plugin. Comes with 3 options:
    • No change: Keep settings and caches in the database (default, allows smooth updates).
    • Full removal: Remove settings and caches from the database.
    • Partial removal: Remove settings from the database but keep the caches.
Changed / Improved
  • jQuery source setting is more aggressive, more compatible and has more options with exact version numbers.
  • You can now use category slugs, not just IDs when pre-filtering Recent posts.
  • Shortcode editor now supports foreign and all special characters (accented, russian, chinese etc) for loading and generating shortcodes, can match URLs with query strings for RSS url.
  • If 'items' is empty (the list of images), JIG will display an error, stop processing further code and not add anything else to the source.
  • Theme compatibility, countering CSS rule of img elements' "visibility: hidden;".
  • PrettyPhoto is now able to properly re-open with advanced deeplinking with any website (iframe) or image URL in the deeplinking path.
  • NextGEN max limit increased from 500 to 1000 (still not recommended).
  • Recent posts has a default limit of 10 when no limit is set.
  • When Facebook doesn't retun an expiry time for the access token, a default of 2 months will be used instead of expiring the entity immediately and raising a false red expiry alert.
  • Expired Facebook entities weren't displaying a red border, only on hover (on the Facebook tab in the settings).
  • Facebook overview mode would crash if the album cover's resolution is smaller than max height (row height + deviation), now allowing upscale.
  • Facebook overview only albums feature included Mobile Uploads album where it's not a normal album, now they are filtered by type 'normal' of the Facebook API.
  • When thumbnail width is not supplied for any reason, the image is now skipped (in JS), this prevents a crash that could stop further script execution.
  • When limit is set to 0 then 500 images are pulled from Facebook as intended (limit imposed by API) - previously it loaded none or 100 images.
  • All other image sources' limits have also been improved.
  • NextGEN random and recent feaute now only have the default limit of 25 when no limit is set.
  • Template tag information alert now correctly appears when NextGEN is not installed. Previously it generated a template tag no matter what, while it needs an image source selected.
  • Facebook, Flickr and Instagram keys and secrets can still be used when the user erroneously copies them with surrounding whitespace. Previously this case generated weird errors (can't find user, invalid key etc.)
  • Z-index fixed for the borders, that sometimes interfered with drop down menus.
  • Checked for jQuery v1.10.2 and v2.0.3 compatibility with a positive result.
  • Checked for WP 3.6 compatibility, no problems found.
  • Documentation.
  • MobileDetect to 2.6.8
  • ColorBox to v1.4.27
  • Localization.

v1.5 era – 2013-06

v1.5.1 – 2013-06-03

Hotfix update that affects Filtering, Aspect Ratio and Facebook overview
Added / New features
  • New setting: Facebook overview caching time - because overview was slow when showing a large amount of albums.
Changed / Improved
  • Some contextual help changes.
  • Filtering was really really slow, fixed!
  • Aspect ratio calculation was rounded, now it's properly precise.
  • Facebook overview caching time was just a few hours and couldn't be set.
  • Flickr "Look for and allow hi-res photos" feature didn't work properly.
  • Using a blank page to create a photo wall the grid would only display one very long row (only when using css3-mediaqueries.js).
  • Documentation, Localization.

v1.5 – 2013-06-01

The biggest update yet! Instagram, Filtering, Facebook overview, Fixed aspect ratio, Randomize width, Individual Facebook like with prettyPhoto advanced deeplinking, better SEO, Admin interface improvements, and much more...
Added / New features
  • New image source: Instagram, available options:
    • Your feed (what appears to you, by others).
    • Your recent photos.
    • Photos you like.
    • Someone else's recent photos (with user search).
    • Recent photos by a tag (with tag search).
    • Recent photos from a location (just paste a url from Worldcam).
    • Other available features: Any number of images, Instagram data caching, Cache purging, Link back to Instagram, Mandatory authentication, Access token expiry notification.
  • Filtering. Ability to choose any taxonomy and use their terms as a set of Buttons or Tag cloud above the grid, to narrow images on the fly. Examples: Post and WP image tags and categories; NextGEN, Instagram and Flickr tags, Custom post types' custom taxonomies e.g. WooCommerce; Media Library Assistant custom image taxonomies... Buttons and the Tag cloud are well styleable.
  • Facebook overview: Allows you to select the entire collection of albums of a profile or page automatically and explore those albums on a different page - all using Justified Image Grid
    • Includes new settings such as Facebook breadcrumbs, renameable overview slug, works with or without permalink automatically, works on the front page as well.
    • Ability to open the Facebook albums in the lightbox, without leaving the page is also included.
  • Aspect ratio: Crop to a fixed aspect ratio for those that prefer their thumbnails cropped to create regular looking galleries that are still automatically scaled and responsive.
  • Randomize thumbnail width to make a grid of same-aspect-ratio images look more interesting by automatically cropping or extending by a random amount in a given range.
  • Proper individual Facebook like with a further-customized prettyPhoto. With the new custom prettyPhoto you are finally able to:
    • Like an image on Facebook and see its own thumbnail.
    • Like a photo/video/iframe in a randomly ordered or regularly updated grid, and its unique URL will stay the same regardless of its numerical position.
    • When following the liked content on Facebook, prettyPhoto will re-open the content properly.
    • These new features are under the 'Advanced deeplinking' feature and are much less likely to be disabled by other plugins.
    • They only work with Justified Image Grid as there are server-side components to the new feature.
    • The generated and shared prettyPhoto deeplink URLs are backwards compatible.
    • When you use custom link rel to rename 'prettyPhoto' in the URL, e.g. 'mygallery', the deeplinking will still work and prettyPhoto will re-open.
    • Use the prev/next mini buttons on videos and iframes not just photos.
    • Point a thumbnail to open a different picture in the lightbox and still have prev/next arrows.
  • Added 3 new settings to prettyPhoto so you don't need to 'code' these manually (most often asked for/changed):
    • prettyPhoto themes (you can choose from five themes with a setting, available to change on a per grid basis) - social sharing tools' margin fixed in the CSS for the other themes.
    • prettyPhoto social tools toggle (enable or disable them, available to change on a per grid basis).
    • prettyPhoto deeplinking (advanced, as mentioned abovee), ability to revert to the simple mode or turn it off.
    • Ability to track photo views as events with Google Analytics in prettyPhoto.
  • 'Disable cropping' an option to disregard the minimum row height imposed by row height deviation (can also lock your aspect ratio if set).
  • New 'Incomplete last row' mode, 'Flexible Match', that combines the benefits of matching the last row to the previous and hiding orphan rows in case of Load More unless it's the very last. This is good for the new Aspect Ratio setting + Load More. This is automatically activated if you left the setting on Normal.
  • XML Sitemap compatibility with the WordPress SEO plugin by Joost de Valk. It can be disabled. Images from external sources are not added. This improves SEO!
  • Better SEO: Images are now included in a noscript tag instead of just being linked to. This also means images are visible without Javascript, show up as selectable options when sharing the page with Facebook.
  • Custom CSS + a CSS class that allows you to distingush between instances of JIG by the hash of shortcode attributes - example: jig-49fc9d5ef70d49171974bb8d8aa0deff.
  • A default, unlimited setting for Shortcode Editor minimum role (useful for Multisite).
  • Compatibility for very old NextGEN setups where some images have no metadata in the database.
  • Take over NextGEN shortcodes: Optional ability to act in place of: nggallery, nggalbum, album, nggtags, random, recent, singlepic - they are selectable individually.
  • Nextgen random images (display some random images of a gallery or regardless of gallery - the limit is applied after randomization).
  • Added to Recent posts: you can now display pages belonging to a page and all of its descendants, narrowable by depth.
  • Load More can be set to be used only on mobile devices (a new setting).
  • PHP constant JIG_SKIP_PRETTYPHOTO to define in your theme when JIG shouldn't load its own prettyPhoto.
  • Option to display NextGEN gallery/album descriptions between the breadcrumb and the grid.
  • Option to prevent usually unnecessary NextGEN files from loading.
Changed / Improved
  • Load More button got enhanced looks, gradient and border radius anda bit nicer color. Dark skin added. Ability to switch between the light and the dark via two reset options.
  • Jetpack Photon (when active) is enabled on thumbnails that were previously generated by TimThumb, this enables Retina Ready on thumbs from Facebook, Flickr, Instagram too.
  • Thumbnail size calculations are unified for all image sources. This results in no more blurry thumbnails (that happened in some cases).
  • All the individual (per-instance) In-page Style Tags have been merged into one, some rules that are not instance specific have changed to be added only once, they are minified using whitespace removal, and put into the footer.
    • Most importantly it allows you to have unlimited instances of JIG in IE (it has a CSS limit of 32 and In-page Style Tags count as one, per tag).
    • This helps with filters that apply themselves to content (e.g. Hyphenator JS plugin).
    • This somewhat improves speed.
  • CURL is checked when activating the plugin, notifying user that Jetpack Photon and Download link features are affected.
  • Flickr feature: The Add users button is only active when you have an API key. Previously it was a bit confusing.
  • Flickr feature: If some photos are not shown because they are too small, this is noted after the gallery with instructions to resolve the issue. This reduces confusion in a few cases when you see fewer photos than expected. The error message can be disabled. Upscaling is possible now. Higher than 1024px pictures are now taken into account when looking for an image to create the thumbnail from.
  • Flickr feature: The plugin can now look for higher than 1024px images.
  • ng_recent_images and ng_random_images have an automatic limit, 25, if it was not set or set to unlimited.
  • Facebook feature: The error "(#4) Application request limit reached" is now handled by trying to add the Page with an access token.
  • Multiple custom post types can now be used together for Recent Posts.
  • Improved admin areas:
    • All texts and contextual help is rewritten to form complete sentences. Obsolete texts are removed/changed.
    • Some settings tabs are now shown with mini sub-sections to make these settings more logical and these settings have been reordered in both the plugin's setting and the Shortcode Editor.
    • Color lines in the settings and the Shortcode Editor for each tab, the blue tint is removed from the background color, css transitions for highlighting current row, SCE tabs are now in two rows.
    • 'All of the images have failed to load.' error message is more readable.
    • Flash of unstyled content of the Shortcode Editor is solved, a loading progress bar is displayed.
    • Developer link settings are merged with General settings and other reordering and reorganization of some settings throughout; only in SCE, TimThumb tab is merged with General Settings.
    • Color picker helper, Like button, logo, helpful links on the top.
    • Preset selection in the plugin's settings now pops up a confirm dialog if you want to overwrite your styling settings.
  • NextGEN no tag error message changed to "No images could be found with that tag." from "There are no NextGEN images that are tagged like that." (user request) Point is that this way the plugin could be used to search NextGEN images (with some custom code).
  • Error checking wasn't working on IE8 in some cases, resulting false positives and not loading any image, this is now fixed.
  • Error checking for Flickr images weren't working properly, resulting in duplicate images and a broken grid if one image failed to load.
  • Error checking for Jetpack Photon images weren't working properly, this was fixed as well.
  • Custom post types are now picked up properly in the Shortcode Editor (finally).
  • Wrap Text feature broke the last row when it should display as a full row.
  • PHP 'Undefined index' errors in WP Debug mode are now removed.
  • PHP Fatal error when NextGEN is uninstalled and still trying to show NextGEN content, is now replaced with a friendly error message (NextGEN gallery is not installed/inactive!).
  • When using WP images or Recent posts, all images are validated for display, previously it stopped on the first error.
  • When using Jetpack and CURL is required to get remote image dimensions, check for CURL is added to not generate an error.
  • Overlay icon URL is now used properly.
  • The class gallery-caption is no longer added to the parent container of JIG when Carousel and Load More features are used together (preventing Carousel when clicking outside a thumbnail is now solved in an other way).
  • When validating authenticated Facebook user when it was just added and the changes haven't been saved yet, the 'Communicating with Facebook' would be stuck.
  • Facebook feature: When adding a user, sometimes 'Access token acquisition' error would show up even though all went fine.
  • IE7 hand cursor added.
  • (previously added silently) caption opacity is now respected by vertical center feature.
  • (previously added silently) recents_custom_links no longer appears in the shortcode when not needed.
  • Documentation.
  • MobileDetect to 2.6.1
  • ColorBox to v1.4.17
  • Localization (more than 50% changed).

v1.4 era – 2012-12 - 2013-05

v1.4.9 – 2013-05-01

Vertical caption centering, infinite scroll, Jetpack Carousel...
Added / New features
  • Jetpack Carousel compatibility (new retina ready lightbox, only for WP images), supports download link and 3 metadata locations (caption).
  • Infinite scroll when using 'Load more'.
  • A new 'Incomplete last row' mode (for Load More), called 'flexible', that allows the last row to be orphan, once Load More reached the limit.
  • Vertically centered captions.
  • Align caption horizontally (separate setting from the CSS).
  • Caption title size (separate setting from the CSS).
  • Caption description size (separate setting from the CSS).
  • Flickr link back to the original picture, similar to the 'Download' link (in the lightboxes).
  • Load more infinite scroll device fix.
  • Custom width setting to provide better compatibility with tabs, also this was a request by some users. This enables you to e.g. center one image with JIG, in a post.
  • 'Responsive fallback, automatic' width mode setting that has a logic of working way better with tabs and other places where the 'element is too thin' error appeared - they can use the width of the closest related, working grid (usually in the first tab).
  • Attachments' tags and categories filter, also compatible with Media Library Assistant's pre-defined Att. Categories and Att. Tags. , and the Media Categories plugin. In addition there is a (built-in, toggleable, simple) solution to enable regular WP tags and categories taxonomy for images in the library. All in all this means you can tag WP images, just like NextGEN, and display a gallery based on the tag.
  • Shortcode editor button minimum user role setting, ability to hide the shortcode editor button for users below a certain WP role.
  • 3 new presets 16: Facebok inspired, 17: Vertical center, 18: Vertical creative.
  • Jquery source option: added 5th setting to only change jQuery settings on pages where JIG is used (old themes support).
  • Recent posts can be filtered by tags not just categories, the two can be combined.
  • Wrap around text option, to let text flow to the right side of JIG.
Changed / Improved
  • Multiple ids are available to use to get nextgen galleries like [justified_image_grid ng_gallery=6,2].
  • Recent post images can link to the custom url of the image! (toggleable new setting).
  • Better, faster error checking.
  • Foobox links changed to point to the preview site.
  • The Social Gallery's latest version is recognized in the shortcode editor properly.
  • Preset 9, 'Focus on the text': padding is fixed (replaced with line-height: normal).
  • NextGEN breadcrumb included the overview album in the breadcrumb when permalinks were not used.
  • NextGEN breadcrumb's home element will now take you back to the original post or page when WP permalinks are disabled, instead of taking you to the home page.
  • MobileDetect to 2.6.0
  • TimThumb to 2.8.11
  • ColorBox to v1.4.15

v1.4.8 – 2013-04-04

New shortcode options, more bugfixes, some improvements
Added / New features
  • ColorBox design selection - choose one of the 5 ColorBox designs, previously only the default one was bundled.
  • Take over gallery shortcode - choose between hiding the original WordPress gallery shortcode, replacing it automatically or leaving it alone.
  • Shortcode alias - if you prefer to use a shorter/different shortcode name in addition to justified_image_grid e.g. just jig or something else.
Changed / Improved
  • Recent posts feature now takes into account the orderby setting to not force actual 'recents' but allow more freedom.
  • Better detection of Photon (if Jetpack is on, but Photon is not, it's not forced).
  • Easing changed back to swing from linear.
  • When flickr photos can't be loaded the error from flickr is displayed for more information.
  • CURL timeout is increased to 10 from 2 to allow longer load times when displaying e.g. large Flickr photosets.
  • Custom link target VIDEO is now called "Lightbox: video / iframe / another image".
  • Default prettyPhoto size (for videos and iframes) is increased from 500x344 to 960x540 as customers were often asking about this.
  • FooBox bugs - Load more, Captions are fixed with FooBox v.
  • SocialGallery bugs - update to at least Social Gallery version 2.2
  • Animation performance improved when using special effects.
  • Error checking was buggy in v1.4.7 which caused duplicate images (due to the new for loops that fixed 3rd party plugins compatibility in v1.4.6).
  • "Warning: Division by zero on line 3225".
  • "Fatal error: Cannot access empty property" is resolved (when using ng_pics or ng_recent_images).
  • Facebook feature: now it's possible to connect to age restricted pages again, there was a graph error.
  • When not using limit (empty), Flickr feature would not work in some cases.
  • Shortcode editor didn't like multi-word NextGEN tags, now it puts them in quotes properly.
  • ColorBox to v1.4.10, release date April 4, 2013
  • MobileDetect to v2.5.9
  • Documentation, also more info about custom links.

v1.4.7 – 2013-03-21

Important bugfixes
  • Sometimes the grid would fall apart or not justify in a pixel perfect way. All loops changed in the JS source to not be vulnerable to 3rd party scripts adding their own prototypes to Array. Example: Avada theme – LayerSlider.
  • Pre-PHP 5.3.0 error Wrong parameter count for strstr() is resolved.
  • The image for Facebook crawler (the first image, resized to 300×300) had no width and height attributes when Jetpack Photon was enabled.
  • The new version (2.1) of SocialGallery is detected properly.
  • When Jetpack Photon was on, it didn’t respect lightbox_max_size setting, this is now changed.
  • Jetpack Photon thumbnail size calculation is now more precise with NextGEN images.
  • PHP error ‘Wrong datatype for second argument’ was fixed between 1.4.6 and 1.4.7

v1.4.6 – 2013-03-18

Jetpack Photon compatibility, NG+WPML, CDN support, better SEO, bugfixes
Added / New features
  • Jetpack Photon compatibility, a CDN-like free service by, this means:
    • Makes the thumbnails Retina / High resolution display ready (by devicepx.js, only with Photon).
    • Improves load performance.
    • It replaces TimThumb (no more permission issues).
    • For images on the WP installation (post galleries and recent posts).
    • Also when using NextGEN as an image source even though the original NextGEN doesn’t support Jetpack Photon.
    • It requires Jetpack plugin installed and the site being connected to
    • It’s not available for Facebook/Flickr images.
    • Special effects are unavailable as images will be served from another domain (cross-domain security).
  • CDN compatibility – similar to W3TC, rewrite site’s hostname with CDN hostname (a new setting).
  • WPML translation compatibility with NextGEN. String translation is supported for pictures, galleries and albums (even though original NextGEN doesn’t offer it for albums).
  • Date and time, Date, Nice date (“x minutes ago”) and Author name (with a prefix) is available to select as recent posts description, below post titles.
  • An image is added to the source, resized at 300×300, to show up as selectable thumbnail (only thumbnail in some cases), when liking/sharing.
  • Improved SEO.
  • Follow mode setting for custom links (nofollow/dofollow).
  • If all images have failed to load (likely because of TimThumb permissions), an error is displayed about what to do (It’s a red text like the old jQuery version error).
  • A setting for jQuery mobile to add link rel external when on mobile device and link rel is auto – this helps images open properly.
Changed / Improved
  • Ability to turn off caption_title caption_description link_rel and img_alt fields. Previously you were required to select an unused field. This is better now.
  • Custom post types are now sensed better in the Shortcode Editor.
  • The setting overlay_gallery_max changed from 30 to 300 in prettyPhoto to make sure the overlay gallery shows up when required.
  • In JS, the altFragment, titleFragment, target and all other variables are now private (some were global).
  • Animation easing changed to linear, this should improve look and feel / performance.
  • Using the “NextGEN galleries open in lightbox” feature the hash is written as #prettyPhoto[galleryid]instead of #ngg[galleryid]because prettyPhoto only reopens itself this way.
  • NextGEN breadcrumb was missing gallery name in v1.4.5
  • Rare, 1px ‘jumping’ of images during fade in animation when loading is now fixed.
  • 1px empty space on the right of the grid is now removed.
  • A chrome bug when using special effects and a horizontally centered gallery would clip 1px randomly from top and left. Added CSS -webkit-transform: translateZ(0); they’ll add the fix in the latest stable.
  • Flickr limit when set to 0, will become ‘unlimited’ 500 (flickr limit), instead of becoming 1 (by Flickr).
  • The flickr_caching shortcode attribute wasn’t loading values in the shortcode editor when editing a shortcode.
  • Media attacher utility is fixed (popup did not appear properly).
  • Nextgen overview album (using ‘all’ as ID) now works properly.
  • Shortcode editor now handles quotes ” and ’ better, also improved template tag generator in this regard, as some values weren’t properly supplied with quote marks, i.e. it didn’t work well enough.
  • Rare, “incomplete last row: match” bug a.rows.c is undefined seems to be solved even though I couldn’t recreate the problem.
  • Mobile detection script to 2.5.7
  • Documentation, Localization, Contextual help.

v1.4.5 – 2013-02-12

User suggested new features, NextGEN core changes, browser and jQuery compatibility bugfixes for the shortcode editor, mobile experience improvements…
Added / New features
  • NextGEN tags: Tag Gallery and Tag Album mode (tag galleries are also openable in a lightbox, breadcrumbs are also implemented for tags).
  • NextGEN album thumbnails now show the number of child albums and/or galleries (can be turned off with a new setting).
  • NextGEN gallery thumbnails now show the number photos (can be turned off with a new setting).
  • Compatibility with NGG Custom Fields plugin for ‘custom links’ on images and galleries.
  • NextGEN gallery thumbnails can now open the photos in a lightbox instead of creating a new page for them (can be toggled with a new setting).
  • Ability to disable mouse hover interaction for mobile devices to avoid double tapping to open images.
  • Ability to freeze captions, overlay, special effects in an on or off state for mobile devices (most useful when hover interaction is off).
  • Ability to set color overlay over everything (to not react to mouse over).
  • HTML is now allowed for all lightboxes (image alt and link title attributes now have esc_attr-ed stripslashed HTML values instead of tags stripped)
    • Better FooBox compatibility.
    • prettyPhoto and ColorBox support this already.
    • Social Gallery doesn’t support HTML (links to the file to download).
    • Customized photoswipe to accept HTML.
    • HTML on thumbnails remain disabled (tags are stripped except line break).
    • Only title,desc,caption attributes allow HTML, as WP strips them from ‘Alt’.
  • Download link support for other lightboxes (previously it was restricted to prettyPhoto).
  • Download link can be moved from link title to img alt (mainly to provide better flexibility for foobox and photoswipe).
Changed / Improved
  • The NextGEN feature now uses the native NG classes where possible instead of custom code for more consistent behavior (same order of pictures as original NG, every time).
  • The NextGEN feature now respects every kind of order settings NG offers including overview album and global sorting (instead of only respecting custom sorting).
  • Nextgen options are ng_album and ng_gallery instead of ngalbum and nggallery (backwards compatible).
  • Image can be linked to the attachment page (new lightbox and recents_link_to setting).
  • Better PhotoSwipe mobile device compatibility when using multiple instances.
  • NextGEN album and gallery dropdown selectors now include the ID id the shortcode editor.
  • The img alt attribute is now present when using hidden limit (previously it was only working for not hidden images).
  • When saving settings the page returns to the last tab automatically (if saved in the last 10 minutes).
  • Class name justified-image-grid added for all instances of the plugin.
  • CURL set to FOLLOWLOCATION: false (not needed by Flickr and Facebook API).
  • Shortcode Editor: on IE, ‘Enter shortcode to edit (optional):’ was breaking down.
  • Shortcode Editor: on certain browser setups, the output shortcode field was invisible.
  • Shortcode Editor: Chrome & Safari: When loading a shortcode into the editor, the drop-down boxes now update properly.
  • Shortcode Editor: IE: The jQuery .focus() bug made the editor unusable, this is now resolved.
  • The option inner_border_animate is now ‘width’ by default and not ‘on’ (that doesn’t exist) – it still only gets used when inner_border is not on ‘always’.
  • Mobile detection script to 2.5.5 (release date: Feb 07, 2013).
  • Documentation, Localization, Contextual help.

v1.4.4 – 2013-01-18

Minor update
Changed / Improved
  • PhotoSwipe compatibility – added JIG gallery refresh to the close event and tap x event, so you’ll no longer get ‘Element is too thin’ error when coming back from PhotoSwipe.
  • Customized prettyPhoto to be jQuery 1.9 compatible (dropping IE6 support).

v1.4.3 – 2013-01-15

Minor update regarding NextGEN (when soft disabled temporarily)
Changed / Improved
  • jQuery 1.9 compatibility.
  • More documentation has been included for using the plugin with NextGEN gallery.
  • The PHP Warning: ‘Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare()’ is no longer showing up when using the NextGEN feature’s ng_pics shortcode attribute on WP3.5
  • When not using permalinks with NextGEN, galleries will link to the gallery’s own page properly, like original NextGEN – previously only albums did this correctly.
  • Better multisite compatibility: Simply site_url is used instead of network_site_url for WP post images and NextGEN images.
  • The PHP Warning: ‘call_user_func() []: First argument is expected to be a valid callback’ is no longer showing up when keeping the ‘hidden’ WP gallery present under JIG gallery on older versions of WordPress. The problem wasn’t present on 3.5
  • Settings load_more_css and load_more_hover_css are excluded from the preset override, this means you can select a preset in the shortcode editor and still style the ‘Load more’ button from the plugin’s settings.

v1.4.2 – 2012-12-28

Minor update
  • Custom post types for ‘recent posts’ now get picked up properly.

v1.4.1 – 2012-12-18

Minor update
  • Shortcode editor no longer generates ng_pics undefined when NextGEN gallery is not installed.

v1.4 – 2012-12-17

Load More, NextGEN breadcrumb, more special effects, tabbed admin area, visual settings, better compatibility
Added / New features
  • ‘Load more’ pagination (load images in batches).
  • NextGEN breadcrumb with lots of settings.
  • Special effects (previously only desaturate): Desaturate, Blur, Glow, Sepia, Dark and light edge detection, ability to blend these (opacity).
  • Tabbed settings (both shortcode editor and main plugin settings).
  • Magnifier icon in the middle of the overlay (optional) with settings (on/off, image URL, opacity).
  • Borders (inner/middle/outer), mouse control of the innter border.
  • Shadows (inner/outer).
  • Video support (prettyPhoto) this appears as a link target next to _blank and _self around the JIG Link.
  • NextGEN feature supports single images by IDs and also NextGEN recent images.
  • Recent posts can link to the images (lightbox) instead of posts – create a gallery using recent posts, not a slider.
  • Ability to automatically exclude featured image from the gallery (use the word featured in the exclude field).
  • Ability to use random image order with: NextGEN, Facebook, Flickr.
Changed / Improved
  • WP3.5 compatibility (nem method of editing the shortcode, independent of TinyMCE).
  • CURL is now used instead of file_get_contents (should solve communicating forever bug).
  • Use NextGEN images as featured images (used by the ‘recent posts’ feature).
  • ID attribute accepts multiple post IDs to merge their galleries together (only useful for images attached to those posts, pre WP3.5).
  • Load unattached wp images with include or IDs.
  • Better responsive theme compatibility.
  • Choose post type for recent posts.
  • FooBox 1.2.1 compatibility.
  • jQuery 1.8.3 compatibility.
  • NextGEN 1.9.8 compatibility.
  • Social Gallery V2 compatibility.
  • Better IE compatibility.
  • Updated to Colorbox 1.3.20
  • ‘Element is too thin’ when returning from PhotoSwipe.
  • Quotes (apostrophes) problem in NextGEN.
  • Fixed a browser crash due to scrollbar appearing and disappearing due to constantly varying gallery height (very rare case but serious).
  • Sometimes gallery would be invisible when only one row is present and can’t fill the row.
  • A compatibility bug regarding ‘sort’ and mootools.
  • Remove ?zz=1 from flickr images links to allow lightboxes to treat these images as actual images.
  • RGBA IE compatibility fix (transparent colors).
  • Documentation, Localization, Contextual help.

v1.3 – 2012-09-26

NextGEN source, Flickr source, Recent posts source, PhotoSwipe lightbox option
Added / New features
  • New preview domain:
  • NextGEN integration, full support for nested albums and galleries, permalinks, custom links, limit, hidden limit is used instead of pagination.
  • Flickr integration with user manager area. Ability to load public photos from a user’s photostream, favorites, groups, photosets, galleries. No authentication required.
  • Recent posts capability, display links to the latest posts using their featured images using the grid. Custom excerpt options and category filter.
  • PhotoSwipe as a new lightbox option, ability to use it on mobiles only or everywhere.
  • Premium lightboxes – FooBox and Social Gallery (purchased separately), dedicated mutual compatibility.
  • Ability to add images to the lightbox that are above the limit (have a few thumbnails and 100s of images in the lightbox).
  • Open Custom Links in new or the current tab: link target _self and _blank (global setting, shortcode attribute, and a per image setting in the media editor).
  • Media attacher utility, allows you to move images between posts in the Media Library.
  • Custom jQuery version checker. If a problem is present due to jQuery version lower than 1.7, you’ll get noticed and asked to update, instead of the gallery not displaying.
  • Developer/affiliate link feature.
Changed / Improved
  • TimThumb is customized to treat images as external when otherwise would throw the error: ‘Could not find the internal image you specified.’.
  • Settings page got a core update and clicking on the options’ name will choose that radio button (usability).
  • Cutomized prettyPhoto to be jQuery 1.8 compatible.
  • TimThumb permission checker now also handles permissions on two core files in the /cache folder. This also happens upon install.
  • Inline CSS output is now minified, no pharagraph tags will occur in the source.
  • Captions padding is now enforced with !important in the CSS.
  • Error messages regarding Facebook (and Flickr) look ‘better’ in the shortcode editor.
  • Changed approach by adding do_shortcode method to the template tag generator for better compatibility (backwards compatible with get_jig).
  • The plugin now displays the Settings link in the plugin list (usability).
  • Script no longer crashes when it’s initially hidden. Also when in an AJAX environment and/or its width is initially too thin (0-1px). Minimum operating width is 10px. If the parent element updates to a meaningful width in a short time, the gallery catches up, else it stays hidden and logs a JavaScript error.
  • Core behavior change: when only on or a few images are added that can’t make a full row: the forced justify feature turns off instead of showing whitespace on the edges.
  • Incomplete last row hiding is now more stable.
  • Last row mode ‘match height’ works correctly (defaults to normal row) if only one row is visible.
  • Too lengthy descriptions are now automatically cut.
  • ‘Do not use Facebook’ button click no longer generates an error.
  • Documentation, Localization, Contextual help.

v1.2 – 2012-08-06

Facebook source, incomplete last row handling, max rows and limit, images by ID, row height dynamics
Added / New features
  • Facebook support with authorization manager tool.
  • Permission checker and fixer for TimThumb cache directory, can be set to 755 or 777 if needed (without FTP access).
  • Handle incomplete last row (normal/hide/match previous height) as a setting and shortcode attribute.
  • Option to select maximum rows.
  • Option to limit images.
  • Automatic error checking – hide unloadable images without breaking the gallery grid with whitespace.
  • Include or Exclude images by attachment ID with a shortcode attribute.
  • Slideshow speed setting in the prettyPhoto and ColorBox fields is added for new installs (If you wish to show it in your already installed and updated plugin just write -1 in the prettyPhoto and ColorBox fields to revert to the new default.)
  • Ability to choose the title (main caption) source from any WP field (possible to have caption only on some items or to only use the smaller caption).
  • Old jQuery from a theme is no longer an issue because you can now load fresh jQuery from Google CDN, and to choose header or footer as its location.
  • prettyPhoto social tools – “linking to a specific image instead of the gallery URL when shared” now works for Twitter, Pinterest and Google+ (Facebook is not supported, it’ll share the gallery URL. Individual Facebook like is possible but it’s not in scope of a plugin: contact me if you wish to have that feature implemented in your site as a custom job.)
Changed / Improved
  • Different row height dynamics: rows with even one portrait picture will be taller, default preset heights slightly lowered to reflect this.
  • Compatibility with other JS libraries.
  • The shortcode editor has better compatibility with other plugins.
  • Some settings are now unaffected by preset settings, meaning that they will never be overwritten or discarded if you choose a preset. This allows sitewide settings for Facebook settings, jQuery settings, prettyPhoto and ColorBox JS settings.
  • Caption padding and margin slightly changed to allow the smaller caption on its own.
  • Save Changes button is always visible on the settings page, no need to scroll all the way down.
  • Insert/Edit Shortcode button is always visible in the shortcode editor, no need to scroll all the way down.
  • Theme compatibility, CSS fixes.
  • Browser compatibility with image load detection.
  • PDF bookmarks and clickable Table of Contents is added to the documentation.
  • prettyPhoto social tools – pinterest gets the pin URL properly not just the media URL, it is now the preferred way of sharing an image.
  • WP field for caption works properly even when the description field is empty.
  • Added missing cache directory for TimThumb, checks on activation if thumbnails can be created, sets 755 automatically.
  • Even when caching is inacessible, the images can still load from now on (depending on server).
  • Inserting/editing the shortcode won’t create and stack up new lines from now on, you can insert it even in the middle of a pharagraph.
  • Editing shortcode now replaces the old one in IE.
  • Fixed description caption visibility when one instance was set to ‘fixed’ and another instance had ‘mixed’ they interfered.
  • Link class is no longer 0 when not set, rel is no longer ””.
  • The desaturated image would be stuck in color mode if it loaded under the cursor.
  • Horizontal scrollbar no longer appears when two galleries (without min height set) make the vertical scrollbar appear.
  • Documentation, Localization, Contextual help.

v1.1 – 2012-07-06

Custom link feature, multiple instance support, prettyPhoto customization began
Added / New features
  • Right click protection.
  • Custom link URL for images (new field in WP media settings).
  • Ability to use multiple instances in one page.
  • prettyPhoto social tools enabled, more providers.
  • prettyPhoto deeplinking support, auto link rel.
  • Template tag support.
  • Sidebar text widget compatibility (makes theme recognize shortcode there).
  • Pixastic JS now only loads when desauration is on.
  • Documentation and contextual help to reflect changes.
  • Localization file.

v1.0 – 2012-07-01

Initial CodeCanyon release
Core features include
  • Row height and deviation, thumbnail spacing, animation speed, min height, margin, order.
  • Link title, Img alt fields for lightbox, link class and link rel for additional customization.
  • Caption animations, selectable caption fields, visual settings (color, opacity, shadow, CSS).
  • Overlay controls, color, opacity.
  • Desaturation special effect.
  • prettyPhoto and ColorBox lightbox choices.
  • TimThumb quality and path.
  • 9 built-in presets.