Tag albums


Like NextGEN albums, the tag albums feature provides a quick way to create a group of tag galleries. Each tag you specify will become an automatic tag gallery in your on the fly tag albums. It behaves exactly like normal albums - the navigation is aided by breadcrumbs so you can go back and forth between tag albums and tag galleries. Interestingly, this feature is no longer part of the NextGEN Gallery and the only thing that comes close to it is the tag cloud. Still Justified Image Grid makes it available in a form that is even better, because you can see a preview image for each tag before opening its gallery. Tag albums are most useful when you have less/no overlapping tags.

On the fly tag albums that open tag galleries on their unique pages

If you open a tag gallery from this tag album, it'll work exactly like normal NextGEN albums - the thumbnails will open on a new page.

You are here: Tag albums » Windmill
The above example uses the following, generated shortcode (how to use):

[$justified_image_grid preset=19 row_height=170 height_deviation=50 ng_tags_album="road, windmill, nuts, fruit, kiss, bikini, photographer" ng_breadcrumb=yes]

What are my options for using tag albums?

Working with tag albums is a fast and effective way to show tag galleries that belong together.

  • Use breadcrumbs navigation above the grid. More information about that is on the NextGEN albums page.
  • Create a tag album using a * wildcard to show all existing NextGEN tags. Sort of as an image-based tag cloud.
  • See the number of photos in each tag gallery.
  • A random image is chosen from each tag gallery as a cover photo.
  • Show title, description and tags on the thumbnails, once opened a tag gallery.
  • Use any other cool features of Justified Image Grid with tag albums, such as Filtering.
  • Decide if you wish to open each tag gallery on its own page or directly in the lightbox.

Check out the tag galleries demo for more information!

How do the settings look like?