

Watch the ground for signs of life

Hello Spring

Mirror, mirror on the wall...

Goodbye 2011

>| /////

Autumn remembered
Found this while browsing through my pictures of 2010. Wonder how those trees look today...

Is it just me...
... or are my pictures really running out of diversity?(Oh, and by the way: university is over, yay!)

It's been a while since last year...
... but I will return after graduation, I promise....


Autumn in the forest

In God we trust
The church of Alsopahok, Hungary. I am not particularly fond of churches as buildings but this one caught my eye for some reason.

Winter is coming

Wine tasting


(too bad that my lens are not good enough to get a clear distance shot out of the camera)

Invisible audience

What if God was one of us?

The Silence of the Lambs
Photo taken near the lovely village we are going to move to next year. :)

One in a Million


Swimmin' in the rain
Beware of the enemy here.

Upside down

We are what we eat


Nothing is what it seems
Perhaps better on black.


See the sky

Left behind
...everything has changed a day later

The Hit Man
... to view the target, click here.

Vision of a woman

Tonight will be fine

Zero tolerance
Drink or drive?

The funny way things were

Multiple reflections

Incomplete sunset

Into the light

Fields of Gold
No post processing.


The Veil of the Forest
Best viewed in large & on black.

Will keep my fingers crossed for you
For O., wishing you all the best.

Above sea level

Hey, is it me you're starin' at?

Vanitatum vanitas
Been on Explore, highest ranking:#334 (4/6/2009)

Because childhood goes away so fast

Late sunbath
Been on Explore, highest ranking: #4 ( 4/4/2009)No afterwork, except for resize.

We didn't start the fire
... it was always burning since the world's been turning...

... it has been such a long week.

I have been tagged
Engem is elert a hullam, lilluu tagelt, es ez azt jelenti,hogy nehany nem tul erdekes dolgot kell megosztanom magamrol Veletek.
Ecce:1.Pentek tizenharmadikan szulettem. Meg jo, hogy nem vagyok babonas.
2.Gyerekkoromban az esetek 90 szazalekaban fiunak neztek. Erre rasegitett, hogy 19 eves koromig rovid volt a hajam, no meg az, hogy rossz gyerek voltam.
3.Szinten korai trauma, hogy sokat csufoltak a meglehetosen kicsi orrom miatt. Azt mondtak, olyan az orrom, mintha babakent anyam arccal a foldre ejtett volna.
4.Harom eves korom ota orvos akarok lenni.
5.1996-1997 kozott Nemetorszagban eltem.
6.Nem kifejezetten szeretem a tzatzikit. A nick onnan jon, hogy kellett egy nem-semleges nev, es mivel a szemem zold, valahogy jott a fura gondolat, hogy legyen zold a nickem is. Igy evek ota minden internetes forumon tzatziki / greentzatziki vagyok.
7.Nem dohanyzom. Nem is probaltam sose, nem is fogom.
8.A kornyezetem szerint neha elviselhetetlen es szarkasztikus vagyok, es ebben sajnos van nemi igazsag.
9.19 eves koromig szemuveges voltam, amikor is alavetettem magam egy lezeres szemmutetnek, ami talan az elmult evek egyik legjobb dontese volt.
10.Eveken at tarto extrem koffeinhasznalat utan 2008-ban teljesen leszoktam a kaverol. Tulhajszolt eletmod mellett is lehet kave es koffein nelkul elni.
11.Hihetetlen mennyisegu folyadekot tudok elfogyasztani naponta.
12.2008-ban 15 kilot adtam le, es nagyon igyekszem nem visszaszedni oket.
13.Ket kedvenc markam a Levi’s es a Citizen.
14.Vallasos vagyok, akkor is, ha neha nem ertek egyet az Egyhaz bizonyos gondolataival.
15.A legtobb targynak korulottem nevet adok.
16.Van egy kutyam, Buksi, aki igazi csaladtagnak szamit.+ megegy (csak mert Vocé megjegyezte): valoban nem irok ekezeteket. :)EN
... by lilluu, and that means, that I have to share some really uninteresting things about me.
So here I go:1.I was born on Friday the 13th. Lucky that I’m not superstitious.
2.As a child, everyone thought I was a boy. This was enchanced by the fact that I had short hair until the age of 19, and that I had been a bad kid.
3.It was also an early trauma for me that other kids taunted me because of my short nose. They used to say that it looked like my mum had dropped me face-down when I was a baby.
4.I've been wanting to become a doctor since the age of 3.
5.I lived in Germany between 1996 and 1997.
6.I don’t really like tzatziki. My nick comes from the need of a gender-neutral nickname, and because my eyes are green, I had the weird idea to involve ’green’ into my nickname. Therefore I am called tzatziki / greentzatziki on every message board or communication channel.
7.I am a non-smoker. I've never tried smoking, I never will.
8.According to my surroundings, I can be unbearable and sarcastic, and unfortunately there is some truth in that.
9.I wore glasses until the age of 19, when I decided to undergo a laser eye-surgery, which turned out to be one of the best decisions of the past few years.
10.After years of extreme coffein-consumption I stopped drinking coffee in 2008. You can live without coffe and caffeine even if you are suffering from overwork.
11.I can drink incredible amount of fluid a day.
12.I lost 30 pounds in 2008, and am really trying not to get them back.
13.My two favourite brands are Levi’s and Citizen.
14.I am religious even though I tend to disaggre on some points with the Church.
15.I give names to most of the things surrounding me.
16.I have a dog, Buksi, who counts as a real member of the family.+ another one: like Vocé commented, I really do not write accents above letters when typing in Hungarian, although they have a modification role in my mothertounge.

Rushing by

05 / 01 / 1991
"You're the strangest person I ever met, she said & I said you too & we decided we'd know each other a long time"(This picture is not meant to be a FlickR masterpiece, but rather a way of wishing the friend who matters most the happiest birthday.)

Street art 2

Street art
I know that the edges are awfully cut off, this is due to the lack of wide angle lens and the fact that I could not stand back because of the billion people standing behind me. Shame.

Look through

Black lady & greyhound

I think it is about time for me to find my way back to Flickr.Photo taken at CERN ATLAS Control Room, Geneva, Switzerland.

I have abandoned Flickr for almost a month and will not be back until next week. All my private mails will be answered then, please forgive me for my continued abscence.

Imperfect in every aspect
... it so is. I think my stream is going in the wrong direction now that I've started uploading technically horrible pictures. This particular one is perhaps the bottom of all, but I still like it, because it is the tenth shot I made with my first ever DSLR. Yeah, there really is some room for improvement, don't tell me. :)#410

Sea of glitter
Photo taken from the largest hill of the small town of Budaörs, located right next to the Hungarian capital.The many lights of streetlamps appear as vertical lines because I was careless while pushing down the shutter release button. I know I should have used the self timer, and so I did later on, but the result was not this interesting anymore.Been #299 on Explore.


Longing for water

Oh so boring
There was some kid sitting right in front of me on a boat trip the other day, who unknowingly became my model for a few minutes. Actually he was not bored at all but rather entertained by an elderly lady who knew an awful lot about ships, but that is not what his expression reflects, thus the title.Explore #158

No Photoshop was used for the background. ;)

Thirteen seconds
... in which no one stayed put#209

ΞΞΞΞ / Tranquillitatis / Last Three Remaining
I seem to be running out of titles. Any suggestion? ;)Update: thanks Anna, Márk & Richard. ;)

Sail away
"There was a single blue line of crayon drawn across every wall in the house. What does it mean? I said. A pirate needs the sight of the sea, he said & then he pulled his eye patch down & turned and sailed away."--- many thanks to Orsi for the quote.


Holding on
Does anyone know why some snails like to glue themselves to vertical surfaces like walls?

The last one standing
... or rather hanging

Morning's teardrop
Explore #312

The upside down mirror world
Taken at the same time as my old favourite, outside the Palace of Arts, Budapest, Hungary.

Easter tulip

Teardrops from heaven
An experiment with my star effect filter.Best viewed in large on black.

Special thanks to Orsi for the title.View on black.

... and yet again a whirl of colours
... but this time through a wine glass

A whirl of colours
My living room through a cocktail glass

Looks like spring has finally come.Dedicated to Medve Krisztina.

Miserable life

A hard reality

Sunday afternoon
Same place, same couple as here.View on black.Afterwork: cropping, resizing

Abscence (hiány)

Cut out the pain

Moon at dawn
Afterwork: serious bit of cropping.

Missing winter
View from my bathroom window last November, when we still had some snow. I really miss the snowy winter days.No afterwork.

Curves on my desk.Been on Explore.

Taken in Austria, somewhere near the Austrian-Hungarian border.
Been #74 on explore on Dec 27.Afterwork: resize

Being festive
Wishing you all the merriest Christmas.Technical remark: result of my first encounter with my recently bought star effect filter. I know since then how to make the rays a bit sharper, and am strongly tempted to use the filter on every single source of light I come across.Afterwork: resize

You might see funny things through your camera if you decide to take a picture with your polarizing filter on. These concentric circles were made by the anti-burglar foil on our windows. The blue on the picture is the endless sky.Afterwork: framing and resizing

The very last one
Looks like the flowers I've just uploaded to Flickr weren't the last ones after all. I have just seen this beauty submerging under the thickening snow in our garden.Afterwork: cropping, framing, noise reduction, resizing

The last flowers?
Seeing that it has just started snowing for the very first time in this year, I decided to upload the last wild flower of 2007 I had come across only a week ago, as a tribute to the summer passed.Update: I've recently discovered that they weren't the last ones after all. For further information click here.Afterwork: cropping and framing

To the faithful departed
A brief visit to the old graveyard of Iklad at All Saints' Day.
View on black.Afterwork: cropping and framing

No afterwork.

End of October
Variations on a theme #2
(see #1 here)Afterwork: USM, framing

Variations on a theme #1
(see #2 here)Afterwork: framing

Afterwork: cropping and framing

Afterwork: cropping and 180° rotating

The lives of others
View on blackNo afterwork.

The Way Ahead
View on black Afterwork: HDR with Photomatix

Edge of the Forest
Technical remark: I know it's technically pretty far from being perfect because of the unfortunate appearance of CA, but I did not manage to avoid it.Afterwork: CA reduction