Flickr Group pool


A Flickr Group pool is filled by photos of people who add content regularly. These are excellent source of new photos from a smaller community you trust. Justified Image Grid can pull photos from a public Flickr Group pool. Once somebody posts new content into the group, the gallery on your site updates itself automatically. It's great to show the latest content from a given group. Create an invite-only Flickr group to allow trusted people to add photos to your site. Create contest using this setup, or aggregate photos from an event by encouraging people to upload their photos to your Flickr Group pool - and show those on your site.

Displaying the Flickr Group pool: "Beaches of the World (geotagged)"

Check out this group on Flickr too!

The above example uses the following, generated shortcode (how to use):

[$justified_image_grid preset=13 lightbox=foobox mobile_lightbox=foobox max_rows=5 flickr_user=9585587@N08 flickr_group=1172962@N22]

What makes a Flickr Group pool useful?

It gives you the most control as group administrator by moderating photos and people. Work with 3rd party content, while having the appropriate control over all of which you'll eventually sync to WordPress.

  • Load photos from public or invite-only groups (you or the added user must be a member). Private groups are not supported.
  • If you are the group administrator, have full control over all content added to your Flickr Group pool.
  • Display up to 500 of the latest photos from the desired pool.

How do the settings look like?