Flickr Favorites


Your Flickr Favorites are similar to curated galleries, but this time you are not limited to 50 photos. There is only one group of favorites for each Flickr account and you cannot favorite your own photos. With that said, you probably already collected some photos you like and wish to show those on your blog. Justified Image Grid lets you do so, easily. You'd just select the Flickr Favorites source belonging to your account and then the rest is automatically managed for you. Whenever you add a new favorite, the gallery will update on your site.

Displaying my Flickr Favorites

Check them out on in their original location too: Flickr Favorites of Firsh.

The above example uses the following, generated shortcode (how to use):

[$justified_image_grid preset=16 lightbox=photoswipe mobile_lightbox=photoswipe flickr_favorites=9585587@N08]

Why show Flickr Favorites?

Have you been clicking the little stars on the photos of Flickr? Maybe you already got a nice collection of favorites. Spread those wonderful photos. Bring relevant, 3rd party photos to your site, to complement your niche.

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