This is how you actually create a gallery and select what it will display. A secondary admin area which carries almost every setting, to be changed for each instance. Justified Image Grid comes with the tool that eliminates the need to manually write any code. The Shortcode Editor can generate it for you, according to your desired options. Even better, it analyzes existing shortcodes, changing the screen to how it looked when you created that gallery. This way you can easily edit what you've already created (or copied from this site).
In case you wish to style every grid at once, manage presets, set up sources, you need to look at the Global Settings instead.
How does the Shortcode Editor work?
The icon is found on the toolbar of your visual editor - it's always there when you need it. It's a smaller and somewhat different version of the global settings. Selected options will only apply to a single gallery.

- Create new shortcodes and edit existing galleries with ease.
- All settings will default to the global options or the chosen preset's values, unless changed in the Shortcode Editor.
- Contains screens to select albums, galleries from content sources.
- Eliminates the need to manually edit shortcodes or memorize attributes.
- Has contextual help near each setting with example values.
- It can generate PHP template tag version of the shortcodes that you can put anywhere in your theme.
- It's also accessible from a text block of Visual Composer.
- You can set a minimum user role who has access to the Shortcode Editor.
Get live preview with Visual Composer!
JIG includes a Visual Composer addon, to make your life easier. It brings one-click edit and save to your gallery creation.
In frontend mode, it further enables you to preview all changes behind the Shortcode Editor window.
- Streamlined gallery creation and editing process, compared to without Visual Composer.
- No more copy pasting shortcodes.
- Previous text blocks that only contain a JIG shortcode are automatically updated to the new element, upon saving your post.
- Shortcode Editor can be collapsed and becomes almost transparent when not interacting with it in live preview.
- Test every change, presets, lightboxes, gallery contents on the fly with a single click (frontend editing mode).
- Clone, re-order JIG galleries or make templates with them (Visual Composer built-in feature).