What does responsive gallery mean? Do I need one? Is it important?
Discover an entire a gallery on a mobile device without panning around or pinch zooming. This is achieved by adjusting the content to your screen's width. You need a responsive gallery to show content on all devices nicely - without compromise.
It means your galleries will look good and resized proportionally on all devices and resolutions.
A native app look can easily be achieved so your visitors will have a good time and find it easy to view.
This responsive gallery will fit to the width that is available for it, controlled by your theme.
How much gets cropped from the thumbnails depends on your preferences.
Having dynamic row height with a generous height deviation reduces cropping.
A quick setting enables you to turn off any cropping whatsoever.
If your site is not responsive this adaptation doesn't happen.
Justified Image Grid has excellent tabs support. Instances in tabs communicate with their hidden neighbors. Galleries in initially hidden tabs also follow the responsive gallery concept as you'd expect. It has been tested in various tab solutions including theme shortcodes.
Several settings with the most important visual impact have a mobile counterpart. Desktop compositions may not look the same on mobiles and it makes sense to fine tune them for small screens. Mobile devices lack a mouse, therefore roll over animations are less useful - a setting can disable every mouse controlled animation for mobile devices.
Change the row heights to serve thumbnails at a different size.
Use a different lightbox, or none at all because images are well-displayed anyway.
Single tap may act as mouse over but you can disable any mouse controlled interaction.