Hello Firsh ! you are a wonderfull Man ! I do not expect to receive an answer as quickly .. you were very fast and I thank you very much … because I’m French and I was not careful enough with preset authority … you open my eyes … really, it is a pleasure to work with your creation … I do not know English enough to tell you what I think, but really, it’s magic thank’s one more time …

overall experience
Jean Claude
Art et Sol
written in France
as a CodeCanyon comment
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I don't know where to start. I love it. An extraordinary richness in order to provide users a simple way to use image galleries. I love the auto take over feature for word press galleries, the support of media library assistant galleries, giving an application wide gallery look even to NEXTGEN galleries, old stuff you can't get rid off.

And last but not least an awesome support. Thank you.

written in Germany
as a CodeCanyon review
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