It has for sure certain complexity but what you get in Flexibility, Customizability, Feature Availability, Documentation and last but not least Customer Support is awesome, is unbelievable. The plugin is in use for a portal driven by the needs of a group of photographers and thanks to JIG we could satisfy all requirements.

Ernst Wilhelm Grueter
written in Germany
as a CodeCanyon review
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The author himself is a true professional. I asked him through CodeCanyon for a custom job as Freelancer. He nicely quotes for all my needs. The communication was very smooth, the timing for finishing the job simply excellent! Not only this, he had in mind more than i request, seeing as developer, what should exactly be the best user experience. In other words he expressed by a perfect coding my perfect custom gallery for my site. And more... having in mind, the future update of my plugin (even customized!) Dream comes TRUE!! So if you are like me more in the webmastering, design part, close your eyes and rely on professional freelance developer like Firsh! Thank you so much Firsh!!

Nicolas Osika
written in France
as a CodeCanyon review
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