Hello Firsh ! you are a wonderfull Man ! I do not expect to receive an answer as quickly .. you were very fast and I thank you very much … because I’m French and I was not careful enough with preset authority … you open my eyes … really, it is a pleasure to work with your creation … I do not know English enough to tell you what I think, but really, it’s magic thank’s one more time …

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Jean Claude
Art et Sol
written in France
as a CodeCanyon comment
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First off this plugin is fabulous. Amazing at what it can do. This is without a doubt one of the most powerful plugins available. It gives you so many options it will take you hours to understand them all. Use it for Ads: I implemented it as a new way to serve up ads for my clients, and they LOVE IT. It’s clean and it’s fast, it truly is a fantastic plugin.

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Clay Hunter
written in the USA
as a CodeCanyon comment
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